Saturday, March 30, 2013

Because my morning is your night, and my night is your day.

i wake up at 3, but...

3 am: I'll do my homework at 3.15 am.

3.15 am: Oh please just a quarter. 3.30 am for sure.
3.30 am: 30 minutes more is okay.
4 am: Trust me, I'll do my homework at 4.30 am.
 Gotta do some unnecessary things first.
4.30 am: Maybe 30 minutes more.
5 am: Oh yeah! I'll do my homework at 6 am.
6 am: LOL I'm too tired to do this now. 
7 am: Fuck! I'm late!

*the end of the story*

and... guess who was sent me this? :)

"How can I see you when you are miles away,
I would if I could but I can't though I want to,
My morning is your night and my night is your day,
There are so many ways but them I cannot do.

I shouldn't have told you the love I feel,
You shouldn't have fallen for me,
Because you might think I am not real,
For your face I cannot even see.

Though I lucid dream tonight,
We still cannot embrace each other,
I'd love to kiss you and imprison you in my sight,
But our worlds are walled and covered.

I want to believe that you have faith,
You have a faith that I believe,
I have no idea if you could wait,
Or it is my trust you will deceive.

The only bridge from my world to your world,
Is this window in my table,
And when the sun sleeps, love unfurls,
I would rip this window if I am able.

Come closer so I could see your eyes,
I want to know if I am inside,
Let us break the walls and melt the ice,
Run through that fog and hide."
                                                p.s. :')

gw juga!!! haha (ini coretan di istana anak-anak TMII) :p

Hal yang paling manis adalah ketika menyaksikan dua orang yang memutuskan untuk tidak bertemu tetapi selalu dipertemukan Tuhan dengan cara-Nya

Hal yang paling manis adalah ketika menyaksikan momen sepersekian detik, ketika senyum terkejut terpancar dari kedua orang yang matanya bertaut sesaat. Lalu berdeguplah jantung dengan ketukan yang lebih cepat dari hentakan kaki di barisan

Dua hal itu manis, seperti... kita. Hehe

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