Monday, November 26, 2018

Shades of life

Haloo assalamualaikum! Finally got a time to write again. I’m happy that I can share with my previous post about AASM Unilever, hope you guys can pursue your dream. Btw, almost end year huh? Time goes so fast. My life is going unpredictable but still in line with my 2018 goals. Nothing much different. I travel a lot, within one month it can be 2-4 trips by plane. I enjoy it (sometimes). Remember my boyfriend? Yeah he’s still with crazy-me, thank you I love you even more. My love for you is bigger than yesterday.  I’m happy and maybe ready for the next level of us---??? LOL no I’m kidding. I don’t know what kind of this, marriage life or just wanna be with you everyday. About my career, let’s skip this one cz no one wanna talk about that, trust me. By the way, I feel lonely, I can buy anything but I’m lonely. No friends (not virtual), anti-social, just locked the door after I got home. I’m tired of being cheerful and easy going person (cz my position, I have to) just like the two sides of me. Everyone has it. Don’t blame me. But chill guys, I’m ok. I guess it’s time to gotta sleep. Have a wonderful day everyone.