Saturday, March 5, 2011


Your Cell Phone? Sonny ericsson w610i.. an old stuff one that I have -.- BUT, I love it so damn as I love my bedroom  ‘cause I bought with my own money, hem actually 90%.. have a bluetooth, infrared, special walkman feature, radio,  camera 2 mgpx, 3 GB memory (what the huh -.-? am I promote my handphone? Ckck) 
Your Hair? black, well i can't say that my hair is straight because apparently it's not that straight too. Curly? Yes I think
Your Mother? my BFF who always listens to my boring long stories 
Your Father? A superman haha.. he’s hard working, he listens anything that I tell. He knows what the best for my life 
Your Favorite Food? Hem well, I’m not quite interest about vegetables food, so if you give me 2 choices in your hand between broccoli or chicken steak, I’d rather prefer the last one :p 
Your Dream Last Night? i was in front of my senior’s face.. I could see clearly how handsome when he’s smile. I like him, but I couldn’t show it. I couldn’t move exactly, yeahh how poor I am.. “I know that I have a boyf- but, is that wrong that I keep the other side of my heart for him :( ? hey my senior, I like you 0109” 
Your Favorite Drink? Huh—juice! I’m crazeeehhh about it 
Your Dream/Goal? ALOT .  
What Room Are You In now? My bedroom 
Your Hobby? I love doing everything.. I love hiking, traveling, climbing, diving, blogging, editing, photography.. do a lot of fun with my friends, laugh together, cry :| LOL 
Your Fear? Sinned 
Where Do You See Yourself In Six Years? NY city (read:new York) amin amin.. I’ll go there with my big family, my BEST FRIEND, my senior :), and my boyf/husband/my secret admirer LOL 
Where Were You Last Night? SCHOOL! Decorated a stage for my school event until 10 p.m 
Something That You Aren't? yelling in front of people that  I don’t know who they are 
Muffins? I’ll eat with skandar Keynes in Narnia movie (Edmund) 
Wish List Item? SLR, 16 GB MEMORY, AND GLASSES WITH BLACK COLOR FULL FRAME (so contrast like I used to, white full frame) 
Where Did You Grow Up? Jakarta-Tangerang-Amerika -_________- 
Last Thing You Did? Washed my handkerchief 
What Are You Wearing? a doraemon T-shirt + pink shortpants  
Your TV? What’s going on?? 
Your Pets? Fishes in a big aquarium (so big -__-) I don’t know, I think the question should be your father pets? HAHA 
Friends? can't live without them !!! they're all just like my sisters and brothers 
Your Life? many weird , happy, exiting , sad and other things have been happening. that's just life right? 
Your Mood? Unpredictable 
Missing Someone? not just someone , but a lot of people . (well, unfortunately, hell yeah I miss my seniors in gen 5 and 6) 
Vehicle? Scoopy scoopy scoopy -.- 
Something You Aren't Wearing? Really short skirt.. hemm go away 
Your Favorite Store? don't have a FAVORITE one because i LOVE them all 
Your Favorite Color? Don’t have :) 
When Was The Last Time You Laughed? This time hahahahaha :D 
Last Time You Cried? Today in the afternoon, hem I cant say cry too ‘cause I just let my tears run down when I saw my senior performance :p 
Your Best Friend? the TOP #1 is .... my MOM 
One Place You Go To Over And Over Again? my house 
Facebook? Yes I have
Favorite Place To Eat? Anywhere. But I give my recomandation to you to go to Benton junction. Do ya know?
well guys, thanks for taking short conversation with me :)

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