Monday, November 25, 2013

You deserve better

Friends, I wanna share something. No offense.

Cerita berawal dari pagi ini. Kuliah, dan ternyata dengerin orang persentasi. Sebenernya, aku paling gak antusias sama dosen yang suka ngasih tambahan nilai tapi lewat persentasi “materi”. Sudahlah. Skip saja.

Jadi begini, aku dan Jurin, entah awal nya bagaimana, tapi akhirnya kami jadi berdiskusi sendiri. Ha-ha-ha. Aku cerita kalo aku sebenernya menyayangkan dengan apa yang terjadi dengan aku sekarang. Aku bilang, aku gak percaya dengan orang yang dulu nya deket banget sama aku, tapi sekarang orang itu adalah orang yang paling jauh, jauh, jauh banget. Aku juga cerita kalo aku sebenernya worry sama ini, “mau sampai kapan?”

Usaha ku pernah dianggap nol. Sedih banget haha. Mulai dari saat itu, aku udah gak mau yang namanya “mulai duluan”. Aku capek. Jadi Citra yang dulu. Citra yang apa-apa kalo ada masalah harus Citra yang mulai duluan untuk menyelesaikan masalah itu. Citra yang nyamperin dan bilang “lo ada masalah apa sama gw? Kita ada masalah apa?” cukup. Itu capek. Kenapa, kenapa harus aku gitu yang duluan?

Jurin Cuma bilang, “cit, untuk sekarang ini, kamu jalanin apa yang ada sekarang. Kamu pertahanin apa yang pantas kamu pertahanin. Buat apa kamu pertahanin orang yang jelas-jelas dia sendiri gak mempertahanin kita?”


Iya. Benar. Selama ini aku selalu mempertahanin orang, tanpa aku tau sendiri orang itu sebenernya mencoba mempertahankan kita apa tidak. Aku gak pernah liat usaha orang itu untuk mertahanin aku. Yang ada selama ini malah usaha aku dibuat nol besar sama dia. Terlanjur menyakitkan, sih. :)

Hei, this smile is for you.

Aku gak mau nyelesein masalah ini. Cukup itu Citra yang dulu aja. Citra yang sekarang mungkin lebih egois. Tapi, ini bukan egois namanya, ini realistis. Aku capek. Aku gak mau mertahanin kata kita lagi.

Untuk kamu, yang dulu nya jadi sahabat yang paling deket, paling ngerti, dan aku sayang.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

How To Speak in British Accent (source by google)

Trying to speak in a British accent is not really easy. Along with the accent are mannerisms that go along with the British themselves. There are hundreds of different accents within Britain, so categorizing it as a ‘British’ accent is rather incorrect; wherever you go you will find an unbelievable variety of different pronunciations. The following directions describe ‘Queen’s English’, rarely ever used in modern day Britain, but the foreigners stereotypical view of how the British talk.
Understand that all British accents (barring those from the West Country, Liverpool and parts of Scotland) lack a rhotic r; i.e. don’t roll your "r"s and that not all British Accents are the same; a Scottish accent varies greatly from an English accent, but are both British.
Know that some British accents may be that the ‘T’s are not pronounced and that the u in stupid and duty is pronounced with the y sound, not oo as in an American accent; thus it is pronounced stewpid, not stoopid, etc. The standard English accent, the a (for example in father) is pronounced aah, not like a like apple.
Pronounce that T as T, and not an American D. (Duty is pronounced Dyuty or condensed slightly to Jooty; not doody).
Pronounce the suffix -ing with the g, so it sounds like -ing rather than -een. But sometimes it is shortened to in as in lookin.
Applying the two steps above, the words human being are pronounced h-yuman being rather than yooman been.
Sometimes ‘T’s aren’t pronounced at all, especially in words with two ‘T’s grouped together (this is known as the glottal stop, and is common in American English pronunciation).
Sometimes the ‘H’ is not pronounced, in some accents.
Realise that some words require the ee sound to be pronounced as ee, such as in the word been. In an American accent, this is often pronounced bin. In an English Accent, this may be pronounced been, a homophone of bean; or just as "bin", depending on where you go.
Stop using all of your American slang and replace it with British slang. Understand British Terms.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Words can't desribe

hey yoooo this is us, come back.. i know i know, you already missed our story, right?
we are still connecting, although sometimes skype, ym, are messed, uh. bad! but we can go on email to inform each other. hoyeeee :))
it's been a long, long way of saying hello, of saying good night or morning, of saying hows work, hows school. work is good for him. getting better actually. he recently got new position. and he said, "ya i got more responsibility" 
we just do, what we can do right now, to keep in touch.
"i've always been here. it's been up to you whether you want to talk or not." he said with a giggle.