Monday, March 31, 2014



Sunday, March 30, 2014


we never understand why people do something annoying when they have a problem?
why people never make it clear first then go, but they go first and...forget?
we don't like that type of much.
feeling,, not a toy like people can play with.
we both are mature. right?
we know we disturb their day, their time. we can be the person they don't want to meet.
and every second of our life *lebay,, we try to understand.
until that "one day" is coming.
we only ask them once, please understand us like we do.
we don't make it bigger whether they not text us, they busy, even they leave.
but, let us now that "one day" is.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Black is the new black :)

-A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Taking Selfies

Aim, smile, and shoot! Here is a new way to stay ahead of your peers. Bored of clicking photographs of other people? Why not point the camera at yourself? It's time to say cheese! Welcome to the world of selfies. It is still a new phenomenon, many netizens are quite familiar with the term. I use selfies to inspire, provoke, motivate, challenge, or encourage my friends. Want to show off your new haircut or strong biceps? Selfies can speak louder than words. Want to say I’m sorry. How about a selfie with a sorry face?

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. - Bernard M. Baruch 

So you think selfies are bad? I don’t think so, maybe we have a different perspective about selfies it selfs. But I don’t think taking selfies are bad or alay. And here's mine. Just be yourself :) let people see the real, imperfect, weird, and magical person you are.

p.s: I forgot to say thank you about "mirror's game" it describes me a lot in positive and negative sides. A common question I got, Why it's not easy being me? Even the grass always looks greener on the other side. At least, just be yourself.

Monday, March 3, 2014

I Need 2000000 IDR

Bandung itu epic men menurut gw. Ah, Bandung. Masih aje lu Cit. Haha. Gak tau kenapa selalu jatuh cinta sama kota yang satu ini. Bandung itu kota kreatif! Bener banget! Tiap kali nginjakin kaki di Bandung, jiwa gw mendadak kreatif -___- bhahaha gaya. suka aja ngeliat orang-orang lalu lalang di bandung dengan penampilan nya yang beda. menurut gw beda. apa yang ngebedain ya? Bandung. Iya, Bandung yang bikin mereka beda. Jadi ceritanya gini, sebenernya gak ada hubungan nya sama Bandung zzz

"Pah aku mau kuliah ambil komunikasi"
"Jangan setengah-setengah kamu. Tekim udah bagus"
"Anak komunikasi cantik-cantik soalnya"
"Ada temen kamu pasti ya?"
"Aku liat-liat di instagram anak LSPR keren keren, atau Binusian"
"Undip lebih keren"
"Nih ya Pah, kalo aku udah kerja, good looking itu menjadi perhatian yang paling utama. apalagi cewe. misal Papah nerima orang, papah lebih milih Ariel Tatum apa aku?"
"Ariel Tatum lah"
"Tuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yasudahlah aku butuh uang pah :")"
"Berapa? Buat apa?"
"Kurang lebih 2 juta buat ngepack-packin baju aku di kosan terus aku ganti sama yang mewah mewah."
"Kamu kan punya uang. Yaudah bagus tuh kamu beli aja baju yang kamu suka, terus berpenampilan menarik nanti daftar kaya yang di Metro, apa namanya Cit?"
"Mata Najwa, Pah------"

Jadi bokap gw tau Ariel Tatum dari acara Hitam Putih, kebetulan nonton nya sama gw. Bisalah cari doi di google. Jadi intinya, Bandung memotivasi gw untuk punya uang 2jt dalam waktu dekat. Gimana ya. $$$$$ T.T doa nya kawan kawan. Di bantu ya di bantu.