Friday, August 22, 2014

A tribute to my friend.

Dear Aug 22nd,
I just read a message from friend of mine around 10 a.m.
She said, you got an accident. I thought you had a lil injury.
Around 11 this morning, another friend told "passed away".
Only that 2 words. And than some friends asked, "What did you mean?"
He explained. "Not this time friend, are you kidding?", I asked.
"I'm not, Cil."
Rest in peace, my friend. This is hard for us, for me. You depict that life is short.
I knew you for the first time because you're different. You are smart. You have a well spoken.
I saw you'll be 'someone' one day. But God has a plan. See you, friend.

ps: suatu saat, jika seseorang itu telah tiada, teman, keluarga, atau orang yang gak di kenal akan membuka arsip kita, untung mengenang dan mengingatkan. Semoga kelak banyak yang mengenang saya *tears*. Lewat blog ini saya punya arsip untung diri saya sendiri. Punya sesuatu yang bisa di baca. Maaf jika ada salah-salah kata. Masih suasana duka. YaAllah ampuni dosa kita semua, amin.

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