Friday, October 31, 2014

Again, about him.

He wasn’t my prince charming or the guy I had a crush on at first, but after almost 6 months, he turned out to be ‘the right guy’. The right guy wouldn’t make you crazy in love nor addicted, but he will be your cure, he will heal you from your heart sorrows--. Since I found him, he wouldn’t always give me butterflies in my tummy, make my heart skip a beat. I don’t need that. What I need is to be listened, to be protected, to feel comfortable, and to be happy. The right guy will always be honest, will love you no matter how freak and weirdo you are, he will be weird with you. The right guy will never be embarrassed of how you are, he will always see the beauty in you, and you will be the one and only beauty in his eyes, hehe. He would be happy and proud of your achievements. He will try to take your problems and figure it out together, with all of his resources the best he can. I know, he always try to make me happy and safe, he will do whatever it takes to make me happy. Like, bring me food even if he is really busy, and take care of me when I’m sick. -someone
Luckily, I found mine :)

Monday, October 27, 2014

I need Your Love

-Calvin Harris ft Ellie Goulding

"I need your love, i need your time, when everything's wrong, you make it right."

I whispered on him, I love you.
I want you to know how much I've enjoyed annoying you all this time,
and how excited I am to keep doing so in the future.
So, just like this song, when everything's wrong, you make it right.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


So many questions I got, bisa kenal sama dia gimana caranya? Kalian deket dari kapan? Udah berapa lama? Kenapa bisa suka dan akhirnya jadian?

No need any longer to answer (but need a couple times to realize that I love him, hehe). My baby is so careeee, gak cuma ke gw, tapi ke semua ‘kayanya’. Mobilitas tinggi. Sangat sangat bertanggung jawab dan amanah. Jangan ketawa lu :) terakhir, paling baik diantara yang paling baik (subjektif/objektif?) udah gitu sabar banget dari awal kita kenal yang tadinya gw nengok cuma sekilas-kilas aja sampe sekarang gak bisa berpaling even 5 minutes!! Hell! Dia itu orang paling lucu dan paling malu-maluin yang pernah gw kenal, serta panikan sedunia. Tapi gak nurunin charisma nya kalo lagi panik, huehehe. Kalo dia udah ngomong “HEH” gak nahan banget kakak, pake idgham soalnya dan gw paling gak kuat untuk gak ngikutin balik ngomong “HEH”. Kapan-kapan gw rekam.

Ohiya, panggilan favorite buat doi dari gw kalo abis makan itu Kebulsky, kadang pake embel-embel My sexiest kebulsky ever (biar oenjoe; read:unyu). Gak cuma Bonnie yang punya kepanjangan, berotot dan berani, tapi Kebulsky juga, kebo dan gembul, haha. Sumpah deh :( walaupun makan nya banyak, tapi perutnya datar, tapi tetep aja gembul, HEH! Wkwk.

Dulu, sebelum jadian, doi suka mandangin gw dari jauh (ya kan~) tapi sekarang mah boro-boro, selalu nanyain berulang-ulang di-tiap-sms, “kamu lagi di mana?” mbok ya aku gak ke mana2, Cinta :(. Dan dia selalu kzl kalo gw gak cek hp untuk menerima dari pernyataan dia yang bilang, “gak usah ke siniii, aku aja yang samper kamu.” But, ive said, im on my way Bebz -_- How could I check my phone when im on my way?? Dan doi pernah jawab kzl, “kenapa sih kamu selalu aja gini, gak cek hp nya dulu, langsung pergi.” Hihi kalo udah manyun gitu pingin dicubit aja mulski nyaw.

Dia orang paling beda coy dan terima kasih sudah buat saya jatuh cinta :) Happy 18, Maluve. I love you.