Friday, January 30, 2015

Hai i'm going to share right now

So this night is actually a good way to start writing. I currently just post my daily activities in Path. I dont have a lot of friends to be shared there, I guess it would be my privacy area, so you must be a very best, really best that I had.

I don't know what should I write actually, my blog is like a good friend, yeah good friend. We've been together since 2010. My english is still bad, I stop learning english in course, so it's getting bad I guess. And... I'm sad. I went to course since in elementary and never stop till I moved in to Semarang (got confused at first is that in to or into). I remember when I hate myself "Why I should go to course on Saturday night!?" It was bothered me while friends was having they parties. And I just stuck in that small room with people that foredoom us together. But right now, I miss those moments. 

My bf is having his trip to Ungaran Mt. with his organization, and he leaves me alone here for 3 days :p he said "take care" but actually he should've warned him self. Take care boyfie, be here soon, I'll wait. 

The next random one, I'll tell you about my Session last Weds. So It went well and I got an A. That was my first step and I felt a bit nervous. Thank you so much my partner, Ninda, she with her heart patiently tought me, and I'm glad we still learn together, she teaches me a lot. For Satria, thank you so much for always be here. Thanks for those sweet congratulation cards, bucket of roses, and bar of chocolate. You learn to understand me dear :") thank you. I don't need any special gift on my last birthday. I need you to be like this. Give me some appreciate about facing day by day. Give me a reward even it's a small things. That's how I know that you love me. Writing this makes me wanna cry. Me? baby? Dont laugh sweety. I know you are laughing. 

Is that love?



Will you always come home with me and tell me about your day? Tell me about the guy at work who talked too much, the stain you got on your shirt at lunch. Tell me about a funny thought you had when you were waking up and forgotten about. Tell me how crazy everyone is and we can laugh about it. Maybe, if you get home late and I'm already asleep, just whisper in my ear one little thought you had today, 'cause I love the way you look at the world. I'm so happy I get to be next to you and look at the world through your eyes. - Theodore Twombly, HER (2013)

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