Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Dear Neptunus

Dear Neptunus, Aku mencintainya. Didepannya aku menjadi diriku sendiri. Seperti airmu yang selalu membawa semua pesanku. Dia pun begitu, membuatku hanyut oleh sorot matanya. Membuatku lupa, oleh kesederhanaan suaranya. Sampai aku tak bisa katakan apa-apa padanya. Bahkan untuk sekedar bilang… rindu, atau butuh… Banyak yang ga ngerti, lalu terluka dan saling menyalahkan. karena itu, aku takut bicara tentang hati, maka aku tuliskan saja lalu kusimpan dan mungkin kukirimkan ke… entah kemana

Monday, September 14, 2015

Today - Willamette Stone

SAY WHATTTTT. It's been a long time I haven't shared myself here. I currently just posted a writing (not so importantly but good for your health) about what i felt. felt not feel, because it's past. I'm so happy I know the truth andddd thank you for saying bad things about me. By the way, instagram is being boring lately. Twitter is forgotten but blog stay. Yeay I love blogging. I'm not really care if people hate me just because reading my blog. Some said, "jangan menilai orang hanya dari cerita orang". I just know they are bad and being trapped. I'm so happy I win. 

I have a nice friends, you called them nice when they remember you.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Semalam tertidur karena mendengar radio.

“I think he’s cute with his hair like that. I just love the way he looks like those messy hair. And I think I’m kinda miss him a lot but I can’t, or I probably don’t want to have this feeling because… or you just can not.”

“I saw myself crying over the pillow this noon and I thought me just fine, just wanted to make a teary eyes before class. It’s cool, huh?”

“I finally realized that I wasn’t fine. I miss someone a lot and I just said I don’t want.”

“Totally was wrong again, I lied. And this is the end of my monologue.”