Thursday, February 22, 2018


In this world, I realized, people needs someone to make their life is so precious. To motivate their days. To ask how’s it going. To make you tough of course. So you become stronger. My boyfriend is the one! I don’t know how’s life going without him. My world seems beautiful day by day. He is always make me laugh and… happy. He makes me falling in love with the same person like the first day we met. He protects me very well and I never get bored of him. I just love how he talks, how he stares at me, how he says I’m always pretty and smells good. The airport is the worst place for me, sometimes my life turns bad in that place, but he makes me stronger. It isn’t easy to step away from him, just like, I don’t wanna go, time please stop! But it never stop. It keeps running.

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