Monday, February 28, 2011

what a chornic snoring

chronic snoring? do you know what is that? it is that i call when the 
ERRR VOICES out while they were sleeping. but, i wont sharing about that. i wanna describe how does i feel now hu ha hu ha :"< far from freedom (should i call, 3f? okeh whateveh) hem, actually i'm in bad condition, everything i did, i did it with a worst mood, poor me -__-" .. jump from top's hill? good idea hahahahah.. or maybe disappear under the sea.. lets waves bring me (to you LOL)
"and i wish you were here"

lets see what time is it?

tell me guys, i'm pretty confuse *ah ah*  lagi-lagi gw salah nyalain keran!
kan gini nih, awalnya galau, aduh nyokap belum pulang, gw mau pergi, tp gak ada receh buat naik angkot -.- huhu
yaudah tuh, jalan gak niat ke kamar mandi, tadi nya mau cuci tangan, jalan, jalan sambil acak-acak rambut (biar sok keren -.-) nyalain keren, ok FINE! CRAZEH! malah shower yang ngucur.. aduh aduh ~_____~ yaudah basah semua, bego nya, gw malah menikmati masa-masa itu, gw manfaatin untuk berlebai-lebai galau gitu wkwkwkwk. ok cukup, dingin juga.. kali ini matiin shower dengan benar dan menyalakan keran bawah. cuci muka, terakhir, acak-acak rambut lagi (biar sok keren ah ah).. udah deh tuh, gw keluar kamar mandi dengan wajah engga banget, ambil handuk, terus deduk merenung sambil acak-acak rambut lagi (kali ini maksudnya untuk ngeringin rambut, bukan belagak sok keren).. bla bla bla selesai.. liat jam -.-
sebenarnya pingin teriak, AAAH GW NGARET, tp percuma gak akan ada yang mendengar.. langsung gw cabcus ke the buffet @dhanifen's birthday..
sebelum naik angkot, gw ngacir ke warung dulu, celingak-celinguk "ehhmm om (asik om) jual hansaplast?" --> wajah gw bagaikan malaikat disini dengan mengibas-ibaskan bulu mata wkwk..
gw dapet hansaplast yang gw mau! sip! sekarang tinggal ulurkan tangan kanan dan sejuta angkot tertuju pada ku. sempet bingung pilih yang mana, mau yang itu (nunjuk ke angkot A), "no no, abangnya cit.. coba liat abangnya" (sisi kanan gw pun ikut berbicara).. ooh yaudah yang itu (gw nunjuk keangkot B) "cit!!!!"
"APA?" kali ini gw teriak, dan sisi kanan gw pun berbicara lagi "naik yang itu aja.. itu tuh angkot yang B, hehe" hufttt... sisi kanan gw akhirnya sepihak sm gw..
ini nih udah diangkot =)) pasang hansaplast dulu di kaki kiri gw hehe -.-V

Sunday, February 27, 2011

just share, got it?


I focused on my laptop, where i was working on a paper----
what a *sigh~~~* oh na na na
I can't tell my pain and sorrow in words. I can't hold my tears on it. But, I CAN TAKE THE POSITIVE SIDE OF IT.
Take it slow cit, citra? Oh yeah.. my name t(-.-"t)
Just wait. If the day comes when fate brings you to me again

one day

Gosh, bohooo to me for being such a bad blogger! i haven't posted ANYTHING for more than a month aaaargh. it sucks , it does.there are just somethings that made me absent for a pretty long time. first i'm not really in the mood to dress-up-take-pictures + assignments tasks tests and other things that have to do with school!sigh.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand more things!
 If i'am in a fairytale, i wanna be something that i can be free.. do a lot of fun things, without tasks, school, exam actually--'

several times i wait for something better, i wait for someone else, but never found and comes
oh someone here!!! i found a clown behind a big stone

and this is, the bad flower, you think? But not for me. always remember someone who gave it. my imagination boy, my best friend ever! i call him singgih :) {mungkin hanya reri yang kenal singgih wkwk}

Thursday, February 3, 2011

he makes me ♥ ♥ ♥


thanks god, i love him