Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Happy 9th months

Awwww thankiesss Mas Jack Mba Rose >.<
amin amin :"D kalian juga toh. Cinta kalian sepanjang masa lalala :3

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Usaha, Berdoa, Tawakal

Dua hari terakhir ini aku sedih terus haha, bermuram durja #tsaah tapi, udah janji sama seseorang gak boleh sedih lagi, ya walau dikit-dikit masih suka tiba2 nangis. Kalo udah nangis, terus nyoba kacaan sambil nangis, gak jadi nangis. Jelek banget :( serius deh hehe.
Kelas 3 SMA harusnya jangan pacaran. Takut sedih aja nanti kalo LDR *eh -_- LDR apa toh haha* Ya gak ada salah nya juga sih pacaran. Gw aja ngerasa beruntung pacaran haha apalagi sama ehem :p there's no other guys like you pokoknya hihi. Seneng, seneng banget ngabisin waktu bareng dia :) *ups, tuhkan nangis lagi gw* *elap air mata trs meper di celana* Ohiya tanggal 26 May kemarin, doi lulus lho undangannya :3 alhamdulillah proud of you plus plus plus + + + Gw seneng banget dengernya, sampe gemeteran. Cie agaba ITB :"D hihi, tunggu, ini air mata knp gak mau berhenti hehe. Ohiya, selamat ya sayang :D *cie banget gw, sayang~~ :p* Itu artinya, kamu udah santai. Kamu duduk manis aja. Liat aku juga AKAN MASUK ITB. BARENG KAMU. Dulu aku gak pernah berfikir kalo hidup serumit ini :p ternyata, untuk ngebayangin "aku akan jauh sama kamu" aja aku sedih. Karena aku gak mau bersedih sedih, aku harus susul target aku. Doain aku ya teman-teman :) semoga aku dan kalian bisa lulus di universitas yang kalian inginkan :). Yang pertama tuh usaha, lalu berdoa, selebihnya kita serahin sama Allah :) ohiya, jangan lupa semangat dan terus bermimpi. Jangan pernah takut bermimpi, selagi mimpi gratis lho :p Yaudah yah, aku mau cari tissue dulu nih gak nemu-nemu >___< ingus udah kemana-mana #eh haha. Yaudah dadahhh assalamualaikum... Hem ILYAPA :p

Friday, May 18, 2012

Anika's Odyssey: Land of the Taniwha

anikasodyssey.jpg is a beautiful point-and-click adventure by Tricky Sheep similar in style to Sprout or Samorost. In fact, it was designed and programmed by Jeff Nusz (Sprout), with art by Tom Robinson.
You begin with the innocent task of gathering water from the well. As a great eagle swoops from the sky and absconds with your rabbit pal, the bucket becomes a stool that allows you to jump the fence and begin your adventure!
Control is entirely mouse-driven and centers around clicking hotspots on the screen to enable various events. Your cursor will change when you hover over a clickable spot. To look around the environment, simply slide the mouse to the edge of the screen and it will gradually scroll in that direction. The game is largely exploration-based, so it's important to pay attention to your surroundings.
anikasodyssey2.jpgPuzzles are mostly confined to hunting for the next point to click or discovering which order to trigger the events. There are a few more traditional riddles to solve, however, but nothing too difficult. The game is heavy on charm and light on frustration, almost like an interactive storybook.
Anika's Odyssey manages to tell a simple but engaging tale with nothing more than images and sound. The visuals are absolutely beautiful, complete with layered backgrounds that give the illusion of depth. The music is equally enchanting and, when paired with the story of a young girl on a quest, conveys the rather innocent sense of adventure Anika must feel herself.
It's funny, it's cute, and there's a host of zany creatures just waiting to be discovered. Anika's Odyssey a little bit of storybook magic. 

RECOMENDED! here are some tricks :p
-Click the bucket, then the pump
-Once the eagle kidnaps your stuffed rabbit, click the bucket three times to pick it up, set it upright, and use it to jump over the electric fence
-The only thing clickable now is the tree with the gaping hole. Click that 
-Click the log that makes somewhat of a bridge 
-When the creatures flip you around to the beginning of the bridge, click the tree with the hole again 
-Look inside it, and the red creature will do the same. Knock him in when he's clickable. PSYCHE 
-Now you can cross the log bridge by clicking on that
-Click the first floating log, then click the bluish thing (some bog monster) 
-After he hits his head, go back to find some colored vines 
-Click on the red moss to see what color the chameleon is. Pull the vine that is similar to his color three times (he'll switch at every pull, so check back), and he'll pop down 
-Click on the first log again, then the chameleon's tongue -Traverse onto the next rock, then the beachy area 
-Climb up the roots and pick the berries from the berry bush (the one with red spots) 
-Climb down, then walk to the rock on the far
-down end. Click on Anika to drop the berries. She'll haul her own butt up the pole herself when the time comes 
-Climb up the two convenient staircases 
-Pull the right lever, click on the malfunctioning gears, and repeat until the power meter on the left is full so that the bridge falls 
-Click the cart to push it onto the bridge 
-Walk back to the machine, pull the right lever one more time to reveal a convenient ramp and staircase 
-Walk down the ramp, then up the trail 
-When the mountain goat appears, walk back down and guide her into the cave 
-Pull the wooden hatch to send down a boulder that takes the goat with it 
-Back down the cave and back up the pass. No obstacles this time 
-Swank. The eagle's gone. Click the bunny twice to go to it then grab it 
-Walk back to the mountain platform 
-After the mountain thing scares away the eagle, click (kiss) him because he deserves it, then take the pile of feathers 
-Click on the eagle's nest to fly all the way back home 
-What? Just because you went on an adventure to get back your rabbit doesn't mean you can still shirk from your chores! Click the bucket twice, then the pump three times 
-Click the bucket, then click the door twice


Wednesday, May 16, 2012





Guys :( pas aku tau yang jadi Hulk di film AVENGERS itu Mark Ruffalo, aku kaget huhuhuhu :"( doi yang jadi Matt di film 13 going on 30. Dia keren bgtttt!!
Hulk: maaf ya teman-teman aku berubah :( tapi, aku masih tetep kaya dulu kok :"( aku sayang kalian!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


it has been a week.
it means 7 days.
h-1 cry.
h-2 cry, remind of past.
h-3 cry, remind of past, hide.
h-4 cry, remind of past, hide, run from real life.
h-5 cry, remind of past, hide, run from real life, make a fake smile.
h-6 cry, remind of past, hide, run from real life, make a fake smile, think.
h-7, TODAY give up.

give up to cry.
give up to remind of past.
give up to hide.
give up to run from real life.
give up to make a fake smile.

because i think.
nothing would change, even if i cry everyday, it has been decided by him surely.

you think we’d better off this way, ok.
i think i’d better open my eyes, like you did.
or someone had better slap me so i can wake up.
so i can just let you :’)

cr :)