Sunday, June 16, 2013

Start and end your day with pray

guess who's home? yap, it's me!! taking a free time when others preparing for SBMPTN (will be held on 17-18 June) good luck for those who are trying to pass that test. wish nothing but the best.

first of all, i wanna thank to my friend who really enthusiastic with my blog, thank you so much, it means a lot for me. i got shocked (it was really happened :p) when you said you are waiting for my new post. btw, i wish you had a twitter account, so i could graft your acc :( thanks a lot Febiani!!!

hem.. few days ago, my friend, Arif, asked a personal question to me, "why do you live?"
idk why that question was dedicated for me, i said, "i live for two reasons, first, cause i was born, second i havent died yet." as i predict, he didnt satisfy with my answer. he replied "do you have another reasons? your answer is too simple. no more?"

at that time, i just let him without any answer.

now, i do questioning myself, why i live?
of course we all have choices to lead our own live. you guys can choose, wanna be something or nothing. for me, i wanna walk with knowledge, cause i can see my truly bright future with that. i have learned, no pain no gain. besides that, i'm imagining if i was born as a different girl not like me right now. i mean, i have died and reincarnation as another girl. how could it be? haha. stop..... back to topic, the point is, i live for myself, my family, my future, my live after this live. who knows

friends, i ask you, why do you live? tell me whats in your mind right now?......... i guarantee you cant answer quickly. am i right? so, keeps that question while you are going to sleep 

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