Saturday, July 13, 2013

Story about US!!

Happy holiday, folks! we're gonna make this situation as an opportunity. Lets start it with joy and happiness, everyone :)
By the way, happy fasting for those who celebrate it... *kinda excited as always hihi*
How are you? How was your test??? UPS! Let's talk about other things happen this lately.
Mine was pretty good. This thankful is dedicated for NINDA (follow her @nindayunitaaa, thankiess) because of her, I had such a lovely day during exam's week. We did support each other. Thank you so much sistah :-*
And also I wanna give my thank to Abrar, Panji, Wiwit, Mba gaul, Arief, Nyon, Mas Dhani, and many more that I can't tell you one by one, thank you so much TOTALITAS, you guys awesome for helping me study, it's my pride being your family.

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