Monday, July 29, 2013

99 Questions (part 2)

1.     Is the glass half empty or half full?
 half full. 
1.     What's the farthest-away place you've been?
1.     When's the last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
 i never did
1.     Have you ever won a trophy?
 yes yes when i was a kid :-(
1.     Are you a good cook?
 no nay no
1.     Do you know how to pump your own gas?
 lol, i don't!
1.     If you could meet any one person (from history or currently alive), who would it be?
 idk, hehe. i don't wanna meet somebody right now
1.     Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school?
 always have for 12 YEARS OF MY LIFE
1.     Do you touch-type?
 yes both
1.     What's under your bed?
 boxes of shoes, papers, some old stuff
1.     Do you believe in love at first sight?
 mm, yeah kind of?
1.     Think fast, what do you like right now?
 being alone
1.     Where were you on Valentine's day?
 home probably
1.     What time do you get up?
 very early, but if i don't have something to do, i'll sleep, again
1.     What was the name of your first pet?
1.     Who is the second to last person to call you?
1.     Is there anything going on this weekend?
 yeaaaa, i got a shocking message from my best :-(
1.     How are you feeling right now?
 normal, hem a bit sad maybe
1.     What do you think about the most?
 random things and dreams, celebrities and victoria's secret angels. sounds shallow eh
1.     What time do you get up in the morning?
 dude. i've told ya!
1.     If you had A Big Win in the Lottery, how long would you wait to tell people?
 I wouldn't
1.     Who would you tell first?
 my mother!
1.     What is the last movie that you saw at the cinema?
 man of steel, please -_-
1.     Do you sing in the shower?
 yeah sometimes
1.     Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
 dude this is answered already
1.     What do you do most when you are bored?
 check on my tab / blackberry
1.     What do you do for a living?
 for now, i study
1.     Do you love your job?
 sort of, yes.
1.     What did you want to be when you grew up?
 first a dermatologist, then a young engineer
1.     If you could have any job, what would you want to do/be?
 a model would be so so great !!!!!!!
1.     Which came first the chicken or the egg?
1.     How many keys on your key ring?
 one, two, hem two
1.     Where would you retire to?
1.     What kind of car do you drive?
 well, i can't drive yet
1.     What are your best physical features?
 i say, my legs, my lips. if i want, i could tease people with that, LOL hell no it's joking
1.     What are your best characteristics?
 i dream big and i tend to maintain my grades at school. i don't do "sorry" so well so i do "thank you" as often and genuine as i can
1.     If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go?
 NY, LA, bali, raja ampat, bunaken, bromo, italy, rome, france, alexandria, morocco, tokyo, turkey, calif-fresno, peru.
1.     What kind of books do you like to read?
1.     Where would you want to retire to?
 dude..... bali
1.     What is your favorite time of the day?
 the breaks between classes when i get to see and have lunch or just chat around with my friends
1.     Where did you grow up?
 Tangerang :) :) :)
1.     How far away from your birthplace do you live now?
 not so far, i was born in Jakarta
1.     What are you reading now?
 Pretty little liars
1.     Are you a morning person or a night owl?
 night owl
1.     Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
 HAHAHA i ever tried this one with him!!
1.     Can you close your eyes and raise your eyebrows?
 i can ;)
1.     Do you have pets?
 fishes in  a big aquarium, not too big, but yah it's big enough
1.     How many rings before you answer the phone?
 i don't count
1.     What is your best childhood memory?
 probably when i did silly mischief 
1.     What are some of the different jobs that you have had in your life?
 student, dreamer
1.     Any new and exciting things that you would like to share?
 i'm a chemical engineering student but interesting in pharmacy, i wanna be a dermatologist or beautician, i used to love art and design, i love writing and reading, i had a dream to be a model but daddy didn't let me. i like playing with children. but sometimes getting bored with the same activity. 
1.     What is most important in life?
 to always be grateful of what you've earned and received, to always know that some people are never leaving, to always love and respect yourself and share love with people around you, and to never give up in your dreams even if it means postponing them at first

1.     What Inspires You?
  a lot of things, but my ideas are mostly triggered by positive vibes from people around ;)

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