Monday, July 15, 2013

This's gonna be my honorable activity

 Hello guys, finally the tests are done! yippiyeah
words cannot say how happy i am :)
welcome holiday!!!!!
hem anyway, sorry for this blurry quality
so, this noon i acted like actress who got endorse from o-shop
my narcissism was out
and here's the result...
by the way, Cory (it's so unbelievable for me till right now)
He just said, "be nice to everyone, always smile, and appreciate things, because it could all be gone tomorrow."
best quote from him, and it was so true

well :'''''''') enough!!! wait wait,,,,
"you're gonna be a star. without me. that's how much i love you."
biasanya kaya gini cuma saya lihat di film-film, emang selalu sukses bikin saya nangis,
tapi gak mau aja kalo ternyata beneran terjadi, dan itu Lea-Cory huaaa sedih

 this holiday, i will be a teacher. as a private teacher. without fee.
 i will teach chemistry, maths, also physics, for 11 grades. although i'm not really sure in physics ._. so, i'm studying again haha
and this morning, the class has just began, we studied chemistry
it was about electron configuration and ikatan rantai karbon
haha i remember something when i was in 11grades, someone asked me to teach him chemistry because he had a test tomorrow.
we studied after school in canteen :p well, the night before, i re-read my notes when i was in 10grades, so i could teach you clearly :)
ups, memories :p
thanks for being my bestfriend until now, glad to have you xoxo

baybayyy i think it's enough, thanks for your kind attention, pals!

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