Thursday, July 18, 2013

Are you going to answer my question?

Somebody told me you were leavin'
I didn't know.
Somebody told me you're unhappy
But it doesn't show
Somebody told me that you don't want me no more
Ohh~ So your walkin' out the door

well, i just checked my email, and guess what i found...
he keep emailing me, but i didn't know

A: Where you been?? :-/ Miss you.
C: Been good :) you? still remember me? :p
A: lol why wouldn't i remember you?? we talked couple days before my surgery. could you get on skype or yahoo so we can talk? 
well i will be waiting for your email :) hope to talk to you soon <33
C: did you get my mssgs on yahoo? how's your surgery btw? :)
A: No I didn't get your message on yahoo :-/ Get on Skype? My surgery went well :) I'm getting better
C: glad to hear that you're okay, kinda miss you, too much! hehe. been waiting so long and mssgs you everyday,
but, no reply :-/ it's fine, cause you are already here right now :)
A: I messaged you on YM after 5 days of my surgery but I didn't get responce from you. So i didn't think you wanted to talk

i guess ym is messed up >:O
ok then, it's been a while, ummm anything new with him?
nope, he just back to US and back to work
and me? anything new? hem NOO haha still the same since the last time you saw me

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