Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Long Journey

I do a lot of things at home since I got back from Smrg 2 weeks ago. I had a silly-night-phone-call-but-still-lovely from you and I found some of nice songs that fulfill my day. I’m a bit working out in the morning and reading novel by Ilana Tan right now. By the way, one of my fave Indonesian singer ever, Tulus, has finally launched his new album, Gajah! Tulus's voice is amazing and his songs are very well written. The music, the rhythm, and the lyrics are classy. It's hard not to fall for his voice and music. Also I give Banda Neira a bunch of love because of their songs are easy listening and great. It’s really far out!


And yap I forgot to retell some movies I’ve been watching. First we have, Safe Heaven. Another Nicholas Sparks movie based on his novel. Yeah you know, just around the romance stories that brings you into tears. And then we have, Liberal Arts, 37 years old man loves college student, the main character is Ted Mosby in HIMYM. Oh ya, when I was in Pare, my teacher asked me to watch ‘catch me if you can’ he said that I can learn how to order a help in polite way, so I got ‘how may I help you’ in there. Well we have Iron Man 3, I just watched about a couple days ago. And silent Hill. Don’t forget The Simpsons Movie, Cit -_- um… and then… give me space to think, Ultraviolet, it’s a good one, the hero is a woman, I love her because she has a good body #laughs. And the last, taraaaaa, Pretty Woman! HAHA finally I can finish watching that movie. Done Pretty, it’s done! :p I dare you to watch that movie while parents are home, the truth, I can’t. Because I thought it’s kind of 20’s above, but I was wrong after watching the whole story. It’s like a common western movie. But I love that movie pretty much.

p.s: Banda Neira - Ke Entah Berantah

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