Saturday, June 21, 2014

I guess I'm living every girls dream, wear a tiara and stuff.

Hei June 2014.
How's it going? June is always be my month every year, coincidence or not?
June is beautiful. "tak ada yang lebih tabah dari hujan bulan juni, dirahasiakannya rintik rindunya kepada pohon berbunga itu,-" Hujan Bulan Juni, 1989, Sapardi Djoko Damono. That is a lovely poetry i've found. If somebody asked me, "Do you have a wish" I presumably sighed loudly, "Yes and one of them already came true." I can't believe i ever wish or said, i dont know, but i catch that wish right now. "y am i so scared? it's really important to me yeah? if i never try i never know" these questions have haunted me for months- and.. i dont know how long i have left to get answers to them. So i said yes, and his hand on my calf. Happy ending. Well, let's we travel this world together, dont worry about it, (but i looked worried). 

"how's your feeling?" "grand"

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