Saturday, July 26, 2014

New and Hot.

What's new? Askfm, askfm everywhere. You open your twitter, and see people share theirs. The most sucks is they have a long write and then share it to twitter which has only 140 characters and you know what happen next. Me just like, "gantung banget jawaban lo." Well, I have askfm (just have) not playing in it, the reason why I made that account because twitter itself, hufff, friends of mine are currently share their answers like I've told, and I just wanna know the answer till end (.) Let's talk about askfm first, you will have a question from others, you can hide your name, and then that people will answer your question. Got excited? I'm not really interested and how do I say, I'm writing about that! LULZZ (re:lol). I have blog since 2010 and blog just like my room, the comfortable place to escape, (media) good listener and perfect way to save moments. It's funny when you see your old-posts and your reaction will be: EWWH is that really me? And than you will laugh because your stupidity in the past. That's i called a-m-a-z-i-n-g. I guess we have a different perspective. Um let's talk about other. As you know, I already finished my study in the 4th term and it means that I will have my 3rd year! I have to study harder, note to myself as always in the beginning of each term. I wanna be rich, have my own money, driving myself, get dresses, looks skinny, marry with a guy whom I love (love each other), living happily, buy a house with a big garden, that's my dreams. I wanna travel around the world or at least, London. Bring my parents into the happiness. See my brothers have a fab live. And call myself as a Kadarshians. WOW. We live once, make it worth. Finally, let's say "amin" together. Amin. Thankyou and goodbye. Love you guys.

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