Sunday, July 6, 2014


He drove, seeing the road, while I lay beside him with my head in his laps or arms. I sent him an email a couple days ago. And I thought I should write him in here. I’m not in business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true thing, I’m in love with him. The guy from Semarang who protect me and make me feel loved. He was my friend and now he is walking next to me wherever I go. Awesome right? I like being flirty at him because he will ask me to stop flirting and then he will say “You’re beautiful. I’m glad to see you.” Me? I like being liked. I meant who’s not? I’m type of a cheerful person and he’s kind of funny in his way. So, we match. You know, I can’t stop thinking of you, heart-stoler. Even if I can, I don’t want for right now. See you S!

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