Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Summer Love: Kepada waktu yang mengajari ku menunggu.

I'd like to share something for you guys

It's a story about Feelings: Sadness, Happiness, Egoism, Loneliness, Awareness, Riches, and even Love who live in an Island. One day that Island was sink. It makes they (feelings) are all gone with their own ship and go sailing. But only Love and Awareness still in that Island, they stay. In a last minute, Love finally asks Successes to join with him, but he denied, "My ship is full of things, no space". And then Love goes to Egoism, "Please help me", Egoism answered, "No way!". So Love asks to Sadness, but there's no answer because Sadness needs to be alone. So does Happiness, he's already enjoy with his selfs. Suddenly, there's an outspoken says "Come with me." Love is very happy. Love forgets to ask his name. When in land, Love asks to Awareness who is somebody that bring us here?" He replied, "Time. Because time is helping us to realize how precious Love is."

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