Tuesday, March 29, 2016

A little girl got mad

So, my virtual peeps, with the midterm test arriving, I needed to be more focus. What do you know anyway? There are still people reading these posts! I know my beloved readers, you wouldn't believe some of you are just loving me, waiting for my new posts, right!? Well, yesterday, I was scrolling my instagram's timeline till I didn't know how it went, and found this girl blocked me. Cool yah? I didn't even know what have I done with her or have we met yet? I don't think so. I don't know her. And do not have a business with this cute little girl :( so sad. 

And here she looks like... for privacy condition, I don't show you her name.

Girl, are you following me this far? Are you a huge fan of me? Sorry I don't know you :( and because you doing this, I always remember the thing you did to catch my attention :( Don't worry, I don't do the same thing like you did. You can still freely see my account :) 

Well it's ok, I'm not so interesting to see yours
Peace out and go find your own happiness.
Sincerely Love, me.


  1. you don't show her name but you show her picture :p
    btw ciiit, how did you know she blocked you? did you get notification or something like that?

    1. Actually, I know her, not literally "know", just familiar with it, and I found her on my friend's photo (on my instagram's timeline) and I was shocked because my friend was with my ex's ex-boyfriend (yap, she was) I see she tag that girl and yeah, you know what happened.
