Wednesday, March 2, 2016

35 days, why not?

Oh. Hi there.

I have abandoned this blog, I kind of forget that I have this thing and I'm too lazy to update it. Anyway, how was my kkn life? There are so much I want to tell, I don't even know how to start it. Let's start with... I spent the 35 days of #kknlyfe in Pemalang. I lived in Desa Danasari at Ibu Yati's house. She such a good mother and caring and good at cooking. Ibu Yati and her grandchild Gina also coloring my 35 days. Well, my housemates are accidentally my family. We haven't met before and must be placed in somewhere you called "home". I honestly want to skip this #kknlyfe at first. I don't know why but I thought it just wasting time and money also. But, one of many things I learned, I love them unfortunately. I found the most fun and supportive friends you could ever imagine. Cool right? So this is our picture

They are my family. Look how we stick each other and I'm so grateful being us. How could you forget with people who saw you every single times from morning till morning again, from the ugliest part of them. I couldn't. Babies, thank you for those smiles, and.. the drama tho, the sharing session, the teary eyes because we have to be back to "reality". I still remember the time we sleep together, the time we do karaoke, playing badminton even football, the time we have a creepy night and movies all day long. You know I'm still not good in words but this one you may understand that I'm so happy in 35 days with them, my gengs. 

Lingga, the leader, as known as kordes koordinator desa, who always taking care of us. He loves smoking, I don't know why, and he doesn't allowed to consume green veggies and sea fish. But honestly, he's so kind. Tyas, the secretary and the most diligent ever, I love her because she is unique and I never heard she said tired. I think that's cool! Syahid, as "who doesn't know him?", full of laughter and his life sounds easy. Bima, the oldest one, as kind as father, he just funny in his way. I meant, soooo funny! Aldo, the craziest guy ever, he is unpredictable and good to know that east people not as scary as they look like. Yudhi, from him I learned many things, such an inspiring guy and congraduation for new title as Bach Deg of Law. Adrian, the innocent guy, he looks kind at first and introvert and type of calmy but actually he is not. LOL. Albab, the high temper guy but sooo care and kind, enough say. Martha, my roommate, she is funny and good at listening (ps, we match as a gossip partner). Ilma, the kindest one, my roommate, my partner in "doesn't want to do anything just in laying bed" because we are cool, agree? Onya, the multi talented girl, she can sing and playing any music instrument, she loves veggies. And the last member is me, a chemical engineering student (teknik kimia) who doesn't like..... Well it's a secret :p

So, this is my #kknlyfe (Kuliah Kerja Nyata KKN TIM 1 UNDIP 2016) See you guys on top!

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