Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Graduation Story #2

The second graduation was on Monday. I called MUA home. Her named Mba Win and Mba Nur. I got their contact from Inggit my kost-mate. They did perfectly their job. I was so beautiful and different. On Saturday and Sunday morning, I didn’t meet Riandy because her mother was in Semarang too. But we didn’t meet each other because they have to go to Kudus. On Friday morning before Jumatan, Riandy accompanied my family and I to package my motorcycle in Tawang. After Jumatan, he had an appoinment with Pak Widayat. And we went to Cimory without Riandy. There’s a funny story, My father had a wrong way with direction to Surabaya. While we wanted to go to Cimory from Bawen. So we turned back and got the right direction.

On Saturday, Ninda came over with Luthfi. She brought a snack parcel and we had a chat till around 4 pm. After that, we went shopping and had dinner outside. On the next day, I took my family to CFD-an at Simpang Lima, and baby brother was so excited because I said there’s a lot of Paw Patrol Lego there. At 9 am, we met Bagas in Lawang Sewu because he just arrived in Semarang with his friends by plane. Around 12 pm, Riandy came over and I had lunch with him. After lunch, my mom decided to buy “something” for my close friends. We wrapped it together at night.

The next morning, Mba Win and Mba Nur has already came around 4.30 am and all set. They did my look first and Moma then. The ceremony schedule was 6.30 am, and me just ready at 7 am. I believe they must be late.

I just entered the hall and we all ready to stand up for singing Indonesia raya and Mengheningkan Cipta. Suddenly my body felling unwell wanna fall down, I felt cold, and couldn’t see clearly. I told my friend that I have to go out. I just feeling like “upacara senin pagi waktu jaman sekolah dimana sering ngerasa mau pingsan”. I often like that when in high school. I called my father first before leaving the procession. And my father saw me walking out to door. When I can reach my father’s hand, I fall down into floor. It’s a long story. In my mind at that time, I can’t finish this graduation process. I wanna take off my toga also kebaya and others.

After 30 minutes being outside, I came back with well condition. I thank to God that I’m Ok. The ceremony feeling so so so long. My name was called around 10 am, and the ceremony was over at 11.30 or 12.

We took a family photo with graduation background behind, also there’s Riandy in it. I’m feeling so mature because I can take my boyfriend into my family. After that, my family left us alone because I still have arak-arakan Tekim. And Riandy again and again, driving me home and always be there. We stopped in Indomaret he bought me a variant of drink, 3 drinks. So cute. He stayed till around 4 pm and I remember he kept watching me eat my lunch with make up still on my face.

At night, I had dinner with Riandy. I just got my parent’s permission to spend the night with Riandy because tomorrow morning I have to leave Semarang. We had lunch in Marugame Udon. Like usual, aku gak pernah bisa habisin satu porsi udon. Tapi Riandy bisa plus porsi ku, hehe. That’s what man are for sometimes. Peace.

End of the second day. I’m writting in the office by the way. See you...

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