Sunday, May 7, 2017

Dear God, can I just marry him?

This week, I met him 3 times, and suddenly became the best week ever. On Sunday, we took a photo after his graduation at summarecon mall serpong, and... it's cute I'm not lying.
RIGHT? :) 
And had lunch at Onokabe AlSut because we're starving (Wait, we? is it you or just me? ok kidding). Then we went to Big Bad Wolf 2017 and I still remember we hand in hand from the parking lot to the building. I didn't take a picture there but they still perfectly in my mind, the atmosphere, the smells of yours (of course, always). I'll tell you guys, this is a secret, I love holding his hand, with my tiny hands and his so-daddy-hands, pureeefect!
Next, we went to Living World to watch Guardian of The Galaxy Vol. 2. Fyi, this is so true, (jadi waktu masih pacaran di Semarang, kalau ngeliat vlog nya tipang arif yang pacaran nya selalu pergi nonton sampe nyokapnya ngomel, lalu terjadi sama cila riandy yang selalu pergi nonton, selalu, entah kenapa). 

On Wednesday, we went to DUFAN, we both have annual pass dufan card, so yeah. Bekasi-Karawaci-Ancol-Karawaci-Bekasi (lo bayangin aja mabok pasti tapi Riandy parah kuat banget ingin nangis rasanya). Arrived around 12 p.m. lalu Riandy langsung hajar kicir-kicir, and me,, hehe taulah duduk aja kan takut :) dan... karena Riandy juga, ini pertama kalinya saya berani naik roller coaster yeayyyy, yang mini tapi, barengan nya sama anak anak SD study tour :))) demi gak bohong haha. Ohiya, ada kejadian menarik, jadi ceritanya yang ingin basah-basahan naik arum jeram tuh Cila, dari 6 orang dalam boat gitu, hanya Cila yang gak basah samsek, samsek, sama sekali. Gak seru, bete, gak hoki pilih tempat duduk padahal mau nya basah. Ohiya, ke dufan ini sebenarnya keinginan Cila juga yang ingin ngersain antri dufan sambil pacaran (karena iri waktu gathering kantor ke dufan sama temen-temen kantor lalu liat banyak yang antri sambil pacaran)

Dan... yang terbaiknya di hari Sabtu, when he invited me to his cousin's wedding, "My whole family will be there, so come". Well, I had a good and bad stories about past, but the last one is suck. The figure of "ortu pacar" scared me. Tapi Riandy bilang, tenang saja. And boom, like he said, semuanya ada, bahkan nenek nya (saya gak pernah tau rasanya punya kakek nenek, kalau di film, mereka bisa jadi orang terbaiknya kita). Jadi, pas liat nenek Riandy, seneng aja gak tau kenapa.

Kenapa cerita gini? Karena tiba-tiba pingin nangis kalau jika pada akhirnya this relationship doesn't work. And... I dont want that's happen. He is so nice, kind as hell, and I never see this part of me before I met him. I... I actually a little girl who pretend like an older sister but not with him. So yeah I wanna cry. 

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