Monday, June 6, 2011

let me do my best!

i just finished my final exam, not only in school, but also in my english course. you know, the problems doesnt finish yet, damn! i should translate the physics task which i got 4 pages, with pic and indo - eng language. unfortunatelly, my school is free now, but the task still flow like water. and the best one which make my head BOOOM is do the persentation in my english course. in my class? no problem.. but here! i should do in the other class. i only have one choice to do it in luthfi's class (oh god) there are kholik, and dini there. they are master in english (i think) and meehhhh? you can guess -_-V i have a topic, but that topic makes me crazy. i took "how to master in english" and my teacher said that i should do the persentation THIS NIGHT! well i still preparing on my laptop and maybe this feeling like when i got shoot *bamn* *argh* *fall* pray for me guys, let me do my best. i know i can *fake smile* *cry* *escape to africa*

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