Monday, August 1, 2011

happy 8th birthday SMAN 8 Tangerang

        On Thursday, July 28th 2011, my school had a great great wonderful day, yeah 8th birthday! The party was so unpredictable. Well it got big appreciated from us. We called it FUTURISTIK 2011. And here the party was!!!
Akbar ( X Grade ) and Hadisty ( XI Grade ) were the MC
The show opened with the choir of SMAN DELTA, they sang three songs, mars SMA Negeri 8 for two songs and Bunda - Melly Goeslaw
first of all, a greet speech from the chairman of the executive, Bellaterix :)

OSIS's also followed the part with brought a song from RAN
FUTUROBOTIK (hem maybe that we called) hehe maskot from this party

aaaaa :3 the perfect couple ever. they sang Marry You by Bruno Mars :) Adit and Riza
Rasyid's (the right one with brown guitar) Band
Dipta, Prasasti, and.... a nice guy :p who's he?
Our beloved headmaster, Mr. Hikmat S.Pd.MM. (sorry if i write the wrong name)
The teachers! :D :D *laugh*
SAMAN! one two three for one two three four (?) -_-
The Beattles! NO! Qadar's (as a singer) band
HAHA dasar anak muda -_- itu ceitanya rusuh :p
The dancers! Trust me, it's the fabulous one ever!
Persembahan dari alumni, Teh Lintang :) my mentor, with The Climb - Miley Cyrus
Farah and Agung
Please it's crazy haha, dangdutan with Mr. Mashudi :D
Triothe coolest man :p from left - right, Yuga, Andro, Arfan
Hey, Is he Luthfi? :o
Tari Sirih Kuning, khas kota Tangerang
"that's all  guys, happy birthday from me"

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