Sunday, May 26, 2013

Full Review: you're the apple of my eyes

The movie starts with a guy dressing up formally to go somewhere.
His friends then said to him, "Ko Teng, quick, you don't wanna make the bride wait for you right?"

Ko Teng, as what his friends called him in the movie, is considered a naughty student.
Rebellious, not doing his work and always failing his exams.
His good friends, all 4 of them, has a crush on Shen Chia-yi.
He didn't really took notice of her at first.
However, after an incident that happened in class, the Principal ordered him to sit in front of Cia-yi, an honor student who is very hardworking and dedicated to her studies.

At first, Ko Teng didn't really like Chia-yi because she keeps nagging at him.
However, as the movie progresses, their relationship develops.
After an incident where Ko Teng gave her his textbook (because she didn't brought it to school) and receiving the punishment instead, she began to push Ko Teng to study harder and even gave him some quizzes and questions to do.
She even asked Ko Teng to stay back with her after school at night to continue studying.
After that, they became best friends and Ko Teng began to fall for Chia-yi
Chia-yi knows that Ko Teng and his 4 other friends likes her, but she did not make a decision on who to choose yet

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Karena yang setia, tak perlu diminta untuk menunggu

jarak kadang mengajarkan tentang berharganya pertemuan, tentang bagaimana menjaga hati agar satu sama lain tidak merasa kehilangan, juga berartinya sebuah keberadaan dalam setiap pertemuan. jarak bukan memisahkan, ia menghubungkan.

saya pun tidak menyangka akan menangis seperti ini. Terbawa serunya LDR, indahnya cinta, merananya berada dalam kesendirian, getirnya pengkhianatan, dan sedihnya kehilangan.

Nugie dan Arani, dua sosok yang keberadaan nya bisa saya rasakan. Kisah yang sederhana tapi membawa saya larut dalam khayalan. Akhir cerita yang membuat saya menangis, entah menangis karena menyesal telah membaca nya, atau menangis karena... membaca nya membuat saya menyesal.

Kisah ini bagus menurut saya. Sifat Arani yang 'ke-kanak-kanak-an' kaya gw, dulu :-/ seperti halnya mereka ulang sifat-sifat gw, dulu :'( baca deh, tiga jam juga selesai bacanya, kenapa? aseli penasaran sama endingnya! nyesel pernah baca ini :'( saya saranin baca pas malem, di kamar, sendirian, siapin tissue dulu, kunci pintu. kalau udah selesai baca, matiin lampu kamar, terus nangis dibawah bantal. itu aja sih tips nya :'''( ada pesen nih, kalian jangan larut dalam kesedihan pokoknya! jangan! abis nangis, langsung bobok lho! jangan kaya saya, nge-review dulu sambil terisak-isak.

Semata Cinta menggiring saya persis seperti saat saya masih sepakat dengan sistem pacaran dan menjalani beberapa kali hubungan LDR. Untungnya, saya sudah meninggalkan itu :) Alur ceritanya apik dan menguras emosi. Bagus untuk yang pengen kapok pacaran! :)"-Al a.k.a Ucay (Vokalis Rocket Rockers)-
"Dengan bahasa yang sederhana, Chacha menyusun cerita dan menuntun pembacanya dengan baik. Semata Cinta adalah novel yang menarik dan layak dibaca. Saya menyukai novel ini dan berharap membaca karya Chacha selanjutnya."-M. Aan Mansyur (@hurufkecil)-
L-D-R. Long Distance Relationship. Tiga kata yang kerap menyiratkan banyak cerita. Duka, suka, duka. Hanya sedikit yang bisa survive menjalaninya. Kisah Nugie dan Arani cuma satu di antara jutaan perjalanan asmara dengan kondisi LDR. Mampukah keduanya mewujudkan jalinan kisah cinta mereka? Bisakah mereka menerjemahkan bahwa jarak tercipta bukan untuk memisahkan, melainkan menghubungkan? Sepertinya, ini adalah kisah banyak orang. Tetapi mungkin tidak dengan ujung yang sama. Lewat Semata Cinta, Chacha Thaib dengan fasih mendongengkan kisahnya Membacanya akan membantu Anda menerjemahkan kembali arti jarak dalam untaian kisah cinta. Jarak bukan memisahkan, ia menghubungkan."-Hagi Hagoromo (Pekerja Media)-
Best Part: surat Nugie untuk Arani. yaAllah :'''''''( dibaca berkali-kali tetep bikin mewek :'((((( 
Worst Part: kelakuan Arani yang childish kaya gw :'( tapi, baca ini, gw belajar banyak hal

people said; you'll never know what you've got till it's gone

p.s: ternyata apa yang dikatakan orang bahwa aroma tubuh orang yang di cintai memang jadi parfum paling wangi sedunia rasanya :) semuanya masih tentang kamu. rindu yang enggan pergi, peluk yang berbalas sepi, dan senja yang ku nikmati sendiri. alasyu :'(

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

10 things I would love to do with you today

Dear you, how's life? going well so far?
wondering how do you look like right now 
anything change? besides your hair? :p
well, i'm pretty good nowdays
i don't know why, maybe just because i came home last thursday
haha my family is good, thanks for asking
um.. i kinda miss your mother by the way :p how is she?

okok to make it short, i want to tell you 10 things i would love to do with you today

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Random Questions: Girl Confessions

 in my busy day, i try to post in here as an escape. violaaa.. i got this silly questions (i think) but, i wanna answer it. check it out!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Remember, and read this again

At the end of each day, just before you go to bed, take about thirty seconds to look out your bedroom windows at the stars.
remember your place in this world, don't let yourself get lost in it.
then, take the time to remind yourself that what you're going through right now will pass, and it will get better.

everything heals with time. remember that even on your darkest, most horrible days..
those days when you feel utterly, helplessly alone, underestimated, unappreciated, and unloved, that you are not.

remember that somewhere out therein this big world, somebody loves you and appreciates you so much,
perhaps more than you'll ever know.
furthermore, realize that there's at least one person out there that's dying to meet someone just like you.
yes, you.
you even with your frizzy hair, big nose, glasses, and not-so-flat tummy.
you with your awkward smile, embarrassing laugh, and that corny sense of humor that you think no one could ever love.
you are appreciated and wished for and brilliant, all of you.
above all else though, take the time each day, at least once, to remind yourself that you're beautiful, inside-out.
don't let the way others judge you affect how you judge yourself.
don't let your mistakes and your past define you.
and don't let anything hold you down.
remember that you are wonderful person and you have the potential to go so far in life.
you are amazing just how you are.
and you don't need to change for anyone but yourself.

each day and every one of you is worth so much more than you know
and if you ever start to forget or doubt any of that, read this again.
remember this again.
you know, it's true, now it's time you embrace it.