Sunday, May 26, 2013

Full Review: you're the apple of my eyes

The movie starts with a guy dressing up formally to go somewhere.
His friends then said to him, "Ko Teng, quick, you don't wanna make the bride wait for you right?"

Ko Teng, as what his friends called him in the movie, is considered a naughty student.
Rebellious, not doing his work and always failing his exams.
His good friends, all 4 of them, has a crush on Shen Chia-yi.
He didn't really took notice of her at first.
However, after an incident that happened in class, the Principal ordered him to sit in front of Cia-yi, an honor student who is very hardworking and dedicated to her studies.

At first, Ko Teng didn't really like Chia-yi because she keeps nagging at him.
However, as the movie progresses, their relationship develops.
After an incident where Ko Teng gave her his textbook (because she didn't brought it to school) and receiving the punishment instead, she began to push Ko Teng to study harder and even gave him some quizzes and questions to do.
She even asked Ko Teng to stay back with her after school at night to continue studying.
After that, they became best friends and Ko Teng began to fall for Chia-yi
Chia-yi knows that Ko Teng and his 4 other friends likes her, but she did not make a decision on who to choose yet

Once they graduated from High School, Ko Teng, his 4 friends and Chia-yi all got separated and went to different colleges.
Ko Teng still calls and talks to Chia-yi all night, proving that he really wants to be with Chia-yi.
During their college holidays, Ko Teng and Chia-yi had a date that culminated into them writing wishes on a hot air balloon before setting it free.
In this romantic scene, Ko Teng confesses to Chia-yi.

"Shen Chia-yi, I like you very much. I really like you a lot. One day, you will be mine. One day, I will make you mine."

"Do you want me to tell you the answer? I can tell you right now."

"No! I didn't ask you, so you can't turn me down."

"You really don't want to know?"

"Please don't tell me now. Just let me keep on liking you."

What Chia-yi wrote on the balloon was not revealed until at the end of the film. I'll get to that later.
Ko Teng then began to think of ways to impress Chia-Yi.
After thinking through, he decided to start a fight competition.
He told Chia-yi to come and see, but Chia-yi was reluctant and told him off for being childish.
Prior to Chia-yi arriving at the location, Ko Teng was getting owned.
He got beat up here and there by his opponent and he fell to the ground.
After seeing Chia-yi, he regained strength and fought back. However, the winner of the fight was not revealed.
Ko Teng was happy and began to brag to Chia-yi, but Chia-yi was not happy.

"Why did you insist on starting this weird competition? What's the meaning of it?"

"Don't you think it is super cool?"

"It's just violence. Ko Ching-teng, you organized a game to get yourself hurt. Why are you so childish?"


"Right. Childish."

"Why do you always look down on things that matter to me?"

"Things that matter to you are things that hurt you?"

After the argument, Ko Teng left and walked away. Chia-yi continued to tell him off.


"Right. I am an idiot!"
"Only a moron can keep on trying to chase you after a long time!"

Chia-yi then sat down and cried.
Ko Teng, at another place, also cried.
He realised that he was being immature by starting the competition. He began to walk back to Chia-yi.

He squatted down and wiped away her tears and said, "I'm sorry. I am the immature one."

After that incident, Ko Teng and Chia-yi did not communicate. He called his friends to tell them that he lost his chance. Two of his friends immediately rushed back to find Chia-yi.
One of them, A-Ho, manage to confess to Chia-yi and in the end, they dated for five months.
His other friend, upon seeing A-Ho and Chia-yi holding hands, went to pick Ko Teng up from his dorm and began to beat him up.

As Chia Yi dated A-Ho, she still missed Ko Teng and wished that they were still communicating.

The movie then fast forwarded two years later, when an earthquake hit Taipei.
Connection was really bad as many people rushed to call their loved ones.
Ko Teng ran and ran in search of an empty area for a signal.
After finding it, he called Chia-yi and asked if she was okay.

As they chatted, they began to reminisce about their lives.
Ko Teng then asked her,
Ko Teng, upon hearing that, began to look at the sky.

"Chia-yi, do you believe in parallel universe? Perhaps, in another universe, we are together."
Chia-yi smiled before saying,

After that phone call and the years to come, Ko Teng began blogging about his life story.
He blogs and blogs and blogs until one day, he received a call.
"Hello old friend. Are you busy?"
"Of course, I am busy."

"I don't care. There is something that I want you to be the first to know."
"What? You got time for me to go after you again?"
"Not this time.. I'm afraid.."

The movie then went back to the start, when Ko Teng was preparing to head out, dressing formally.
Turns out that he is attending Chia-yi's wedding.
He met up with all his friends and reminisced about the past, where they used to chase after Chia-yi.
Then, the lights went out, and Chia-yi and her groom walked down the aisle.

After that, the movie went into a flashback of Ko Teng and Chia-yi's love story.
It was revealed that Chia-yi wrote.

On her side of the hot air balloon.
They could've been together but they were not meant to be together.

To be honest, I'm not gonna deny that I cried watching this movie.
Not just shedding a tear, but I genuinely cried.
I don't know why I cried, maybe perhaps, I can relate to this story.

Have you ever encountered someone that you really love and you have a feeling that he/she loves you back? But you didn't want to make a move because you think your love will not be reciprocated?

And as time goes by, you regretted and rue the missed opportunity to be with perhaps the most special person that you have ever met?

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