Sunday, October 6, 2013

For a lil update..

it's been a long time, Blog. yeah i know you missed me :) 
sorry to left you there , i know ur craving for attention hehe. Actually Blog, i have nothing to share, awesomeness and awfulness had just passed , and i will not talk about “people” here.

I wanted to dwell in this situation, I feel .. really good, i have no worries , i have no trouble i have no fears.. i feel--save. with my best around me, my surroundings , including my family , my college mates, what a pleasure to have all of you here , with me.

so much i have to learn in life

Nobody's perfect.

but a girl can dream, right?

Everyday , the picture of me--being a successful woman, keeps running in my mind, it wont let go , neither decreases. I hope that's true, that me in that dream is a real me where i'll found next 7 years maybe. 
I am dreaming and wanting to go to Las Vegas . Too high for me? bet not. 

again, a girl can dream

yea i can dream being with someone i love like forever, he'll be there whenever you need him, and even when u dont have time to offer something , he'll love you all the way , he do it all for you.
Can i just dream about that?

i know you are there
and i know ur waiting

and so do i

chill out

moods on

enjoying every air we breathe in


and when my eyes met yours

you know what this means?

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