Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Kak, alasyu.

You and me.

It took me a while to write this down, because to be honest I was afraid. Afraid of what future will be for us. "What will happen with us?". There are so many question running through my mind and none of them I could answer. Future seems so blurry --you can see it is there but you don't know yet what it's like.

"you're saying 'but' too much"

Well, you're right. Malam ini berujung bahagia. makasih ya, alasyu mbellllll. Hehe. Kamu aneh, kamu tolol, kamu gila, kamu gak tau malu, kamu hebat :') kamu, kamu, kamu, kamu tuh pengetahuan nya luas bats ya, jauh lah aku, wohowww. Pembelajaran yang gak bisa di dapat di sekolah atau kuliah.

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