Monday, April 28, 2014

Fairy Tale

My ego is too high when I’m reading a novel. I don’t like the tear-jerker but the good one, with the main character is living happily ever after. And that’s the end. Happy. The novel itself, always bring me into the imagination that I can play. And I shouldn’t have told you, I will let myself crying easily after finishing books or movies. Whether it ends with dramatically or not. And I don’t push myself to stop crying. That’s the fact, of me. Well, the impact after finishing that stuff, I’m always wanna be the girl in that book, or movie. Always. That’s happen to me so often. In a nutshell, everyone want to have a kind of perfect life. Like I told you. But I thought you won’t find it in here. In a fairy tale, for sure. So, what you can find in here? If you got lucky, you will find the person who doesn’t wear mask, one in billion. She/he is your best friend. I found one. I call her Uhuy. Bisa dikatakan, saya termasuk orang yang percaya bahwa sahabat sejati itu gak ada. Everyone is moving. Each moving they will find the new person, the new experience, with the new you. I believe. But, one thing right now, the closest friend I have, is my best friend.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

My life isn’t perfect, but I’m thankful for everything I have

mau flashback dari minggu (6/4) sampai hari ini. intinya, berangkat pagi pulang malam. ada aja yang di kerjain. laporan, kumpul ini itu, ketemu ini, ketemu itu, gak sempet liat tv even twitter. dan gak terasa, H-seminggu UTS. hahahaha. semester 4 nih?

btw, ada yang request gw, post foto lama. ini jaman SMA kelas X. ruangan ijo yang bikin mata gw minus. ac super dingin yang buat barisan kedua kolom dua dari kanan kosong, dengan seragam yang paling gw bangga-banggain. jadi inget, loker isi nya buku-buku paket, tiap berangkat gak pernah bawa tas berat, eh sekali nya ngosongin isi loker (karena ulangan, pr, dan 'pingin baca-baca' aja) sampe minta kresek ke ibu kantin :') sekalinya pulang kaya siswa baru abis beli buku paket.

kegiatan yang paling di suka jaman SMA? upacara sama olahraga. kegiatan lain nya? pas classmeeting. bisa nonton film di kelas rame-rame sambil bawa jajan. kalo hari ter-surga itu, hari sabtu pastinya, bisa pake sepatu bebas dan kaos kaki pendek. gw selalu bawa kotak bekel, walau isinya cuma nasi aja, lauk nya beli di kantin. barang yang gak pernah ketinggalan, handsanitaizer, dan semua anak di kelas pasti punya. ohiya, balik lagi soal loker, temen gw, sebut saja dita, anak nya gokil, kocak deh, di saat yang lain isi loker nya 'buku', si dita, baju baru, sepatu baru, tas baru. dia takut ketauan nenek nya kalo belanja-belanja gitu wkwk. kita pernah mau jual barang-barang dita ke toko bagus, huahaha, terus barang-barang nya di fotoin dengan angel yang pas, biar keliatan bagus. alas nya pake taplak meja guru. hoho.

pernah nangis gak di kelas? engga, kayanya engga. *gak mau ngaku* 

Friday, April 4, 2014

I wonder if the things that remind me of you remind you of me.

Everyone has a secret they haven’t shared, a past no one has heard about. And talents that people don’t notice. Everyone has a weakness hidden inside. And everyone has a story left untold. I believe we write our own stories, and each time we think we know the end, we don’t. Life is funny that way. Baby, I hate to say it, most of them, actually pretty much of people are going to break your heart. But, you can’t give up :) because if you give up, you’ll never find soulmate. You’ll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. As time goes on, you’ll understand, what lasts, lasts. What doesn’t, doesn’t. Time solves most things. And I note one thing, happiness starts with one word, one joke, one text, one phone call, one song, one hug, one kiss, and stops with one mistake. It doesn’t take a lot for me to like you actually, if you can legitimately make me feel happy, even in the slightest way. And have you ever thought about how many people thinking about you? It’s so bizarre. Imagine someone, thinking of your face. Something happens, they remember you. Your favorite song, how you dress, the way you talk, the look in your eyes when you are happy. Even if you haven’t seen each other in days. You may think you’ve forgotten, but you haven’t. And you know what? If things end, people leave, but life must go on. Bad things happen to everyone, so you are not in it alone. Cheers!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

HIMYM and mine.

i wish i had that kind of friendship. i wish i got married with my bestfriend. and someday, i wish someone could say 
"you will never see how lovely you truly are. that's why i'm here. i will tell you the beauty that i see" 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Quick update.

sadness and happiness, such a perfect combination to end up this day.
bye tears, bye loud of laugh, bye weakness, bye sunshine. i will meet the moon.
he stays at night to light this uncomfortable darkness. always at his position.
one thing for sure, never lie, you can make me hurt but please don't do in a lie-way. just don't.
i don't have any idea why Jefri's face is right there, but he made my photograph cooler.