Monday, April 28, 2014

Fairy Tale

My ego is too high when I’m reading a novel. I don’t like the tear-jerker but the good one, with the main character is living happily ever after. And that’s the end. Happy. The novel itself, always bring me into the imagination that I can play. And I shouldn’t have told you, I will let myself crying easily after finishing books or movies. Whether it ends with dramatically or not. And I don’t push myself to stop crying. That’s the fact, of me. Well, the impact after finishing that stuff, I’m always wanna be the girl in that book, or movie. Always. That’s happen to me so often. In a nutshell, everyone want to have a kind of perfect life. Like I told you. But I thought you won’t find it in here. In a fairy tale, for sure. So, what you can find in here? If you got lucky, you will find the person who doesn’t wear mask, one in billion. She/he is your best friend. I found one. I call her Uhuy. Bisa dikatakan, saya termasuk orang yang percaya bahwa sahabat sejati itu gak ada. Everyone is moving. Each moving they will find the new person, the new experience, with the new you. I believe. But, one thing right now, the closest friend I have, is my best friend.

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