Friday, September 19, 2014

19th: in 20 years from now.

I decided to make a goal till I get 40,
and make it a point by point to list what i will do and get for my future.

It means i'll be 40 that's old.
1. I must be native in english of course
2. Already have 3 children (or depends on God gift me) but I really wanna have 3 children.
3. Have my own business lyk cafe in Kemang (I already have the name, called Snow White cafe and dine), also I have a creativity class for baby and children (writing, singing, coloring, drawing) and dance class. 
4. Go to Makkah with husband.
5. Be a consultant or senior in my work so I can manage and monitoring at home.
6. Travel the world. Visit Peru and take some pictures in Machu Pichu, or go to New York and meet my idola, Zoe Saldana!! (I'm not sure she is in NYC tho).

It means i'll be 30.
1. GM (general manager) in baby and children stuff. I have a dream to work in Vogue but I should be realistic. At least I can have an internship in there when i'm not this old. Back to GM, I'll work in Pigeon or My Baby or Nutrillon. I don't have any kind of interest in oil and gas, but if I have a chance to work in there, i'll take chance. But I think this should be write in 5 years from now, haha..
2. I can drive my own car. To go to work, go to the mall, take the kids to school, go to the market, and hang out with old-friends.
3. I MUST GO TO LONDON WHEN I REACH THIS AGE. hihi. I visit London with husband and kids, also Azfar, my lil brother. And Bagas if he wanna join. 
4. Master in bake and receive the order from neighbor or anyone.
5. Every night after works, I accompany my kids when they are studying. And I read more books and collect them of course, so I have my own library.
6. Get a reward for my achievement in blog or whatever. If i dont get it, my husband can give it one to me. Haha.

It means i'll be 25.
1. Good at cooking, so my family can love me more haha.
2. My 2nd year of marriage. We will celebrate in Derawan Island, Berau - East Kalimantan.
3. Already have "our" ow house with beautiful garden and swimming pool in it.
4. Work in baby and children industry. Meet the best people in town, And have my own invitation with my name in front of it not my parents's name.
5. Best achievement in writing.
6. Have a best salary ever in my age. Like 20 million each monts. InsyaAllah amin.

Like my father told me, people only use 10% of their brain, they still have 90%. And if you said you CAN'T of what you do, your 90% will follow so. Just said YES, I WILL AND I TRY. My father such a best advicer and inspire me so often.

In the next post, I will tell you my 4, 3, 2, 1 years from now. Thanks for read this, it means a lot for me. And now I dare you to make this one.

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