Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What Is Your Dominant Intelligence?

The answer is...

Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence

Your dominant intelligence is the verbal-linguistic intelligence. This means you have well-developed verbal skills and vocabulary and are sensitive to the sounds, meanings, and rhythms of words. You always notice grammatical mistakes when reading or writing something, and tend to think of appropriate solutions. You most likely have (or want) and book collection, and maybe even a collection of quotes and sayings that you remembered over the years. You enjoy puns, rhymes, riddles, and word games. You probably enjoyed English class. You enjoy reading, writing, and foreign languages.
Some jobs that suit the verbal-linguistic intelligence type are:
Writer, Lawyer, Editor, Public speaker,Novelist, 
Journalist, Comedian,
Philosopher, Psychotherapist, Politician, Teacher, Actor
That's so trueee!! There's no engineer in there, haha. It's your turn :p 

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