Saturday, September 27, 2014

Iron & Wine; Flightless Bird, American Mouth.

So what then?

I'm a typical an easily-cry person. I don't know why but I can just crying by listening a song that's so touchy. I can cry by watching a proposal-video or movie or video. So Youtube deserves my thankies, so I thanks for it. Well, did you guys know Iron & Wine? If you watched Twilight you might know it. I cry for Flightless Bird, American Mouth. There, he  stares into your eyes and for a moment you feel you couldn't get lost in the gateway of their stares. Everything around you seems still and yet you feel yourself gliding from the energy released from this potent chemical called Love. He smiles, smiles in a way that reminds you of the first time you felt in love. That awkward teenage love where you're not sure how to express yourself, but smiling is the only way that you can verbalize the words "I am here with you, that nothing and no one can take me from this moment.. because I love you." no tag :p but I wish he read this. I miss you, Star Lord.

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