Thursday, November 26, 2015

When God made you, He was showing off.

I just realised how beautiful God made you. This is not something I proud of, but like I am happy and feel so lucky having that guy besides me while I can not do anything. We shared many moments, the great ones and the shitty ones. I wanna grow together as someone who watch each of us grow. Be my very best friend forever till we can not handle this stomachache because the laughter we made. I remember every detail of you said I'm a child, I look like a kid. But a kid is always spread the love and fun things when people like you need someone like this. And he is happy. I'm happier to make you happy. I can be this cheerful which I can not imagine before. Yeah for this time I agree with you, remember-- only for this time, I look like a kid when you around me AND this kid fits with someone who older than her, who wiser. Keep incredibly amazing Riandy!

Knowing you is a gift, while you said you are very lucky to meet me, more than that I'm lucky having you as my part time lover and full time friend. People might be questioning "isn't this too fast?" I'll answer with the chins up "not for to be happy".

Thursday, November 19, 2015

SIDANG Penelitian 2015!


intro: Alhamdulillah sidang penelitian pemanfaatan hati ayam sebagai fortifikan zat besi dalam bubur bayi instan berbahan dasar ubi jalar ungu nya berjalan lancar, alhamdulillah! :) perjuangan 3 semester yak finally. "Mau sidang penlit aja sakit perut, gimana sidang skripsi ya, muntah-muntah kali" perasaannya campur aduk. Di awal gue sempet biasa aja, gak tegang, gak terlalu hectic kaya sidang proplit lalu. Pas dosen penguji mulai pada masuk tiba-tiba baru berasa mau ook kit piyuttt :$ :)) canda ding, jorok yak? wkwk. Tapi alhamdulillah berjalan sangatttttttt baik! Senang, bebannya mulai berkurang :")

Foto 1: (kiri-kanan) Nizar, Cila, Mba Fanny, IrmaSap, Ninjel, Luthfi, Ivan, Eka, dan Norfan. Yang tengah itu dosen pembimbing gue hehe
Foto 2: kelar ceritanyaaaaa, jadi foto high five bahagiya sama Ninjels :)
Foto 3: nah itu namanya Riandy! wkwk yang bilangnya "maaf ya cila gak bisa nungguin sidang, mau nge run" eh gak taunya di luar :)))) paanseh. Ini foto pertama kita btw. LOL. Pas gue liat hasilnya, kok kaya 500 days of summer ya! Riandyy makasiy yach! 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

There's much more truth that you are blind to.

Judul nya gue dapet dari sebuah iklan Thailand. Seperti yang kalian tau, iklan Thailand tuh emang ber-story. Durasinya yang 5 menit menceritakan tentang orang gila yang suka tidur di depan sebuah toko bapak tua. Orang gila? Apasih yang biasa kita lihat tentang mereka? "ganggu" "kotor" "bau" "menyeramkan" itusih yang terlintas dipikiran gue tiap kali ngeliat mereka. Apalagi sepanjang perjalanan Cilegon-Anyer waktu gue KP 2 bulan lalu, banyak banget orang gila nya di jalan. Entah mungkin mereka jiwanya terganggu sehingga terkadang, eh bukan terkadang lagi, sehingga mereka berlaku gak normal. There's much more truth that you are blind to. Jadi, sama ajalah kaya "don't judge a book by it's cover" "jangan menilai orang hanya dari cerita orang" dan any other words to describe "we have to keep our mouth" kalo gak suka ya diem aja gak usah mengumpat, mungkin sebenernya mereka gak bermaksud buat kita gak suka, kan kita gak tau, hehe. Kadang juga 1000 kebaikan tertutup oleh 1 keburukan. Mungkin emang naluri nya manusia seperti ini. 

Eh, berat banget nih omongan. 

Cerita baru lagi yuk. Next Weds, 18, insyaAllah sidang penelitiannya nih. Doakan ya! Sebelumnya mau ngucapin banyak banyak terima kasih buat partner handalan + baik banget + sabar + menyenangkan abis, Ninda!! Terima kasih dan semangat..! Step terakhir dari penelitian ini ya Njelski. Bismillah :) Ohiya makasih juga buat beberapa hari ini buat temen gue yang paling songong, perhatian tapi super galak, jahat kaya penjahat, sahabat suwung (sa ha bat abiz), sayang tapi gak pernah mau ngaku (ngaku gak lu), gak pernah terima kalo ada yang bilang gue cantik (menurut dia gue b aja), tapi dia temen berantem gue paling tijel, kalo dia pergi gue suka ngens (bukan kangen tapi ngens) kalopun kangen, kangen gue harus selalu minus 1 daripada dia. Gue gak mau menang. Tau gak? Yaampun walau dia datar orangnya tapi gue suka ketawa. Gue juga heran kenapa jadi orang paling ekspresif kalo lagi sama dia. Padahal he did nothing. Lebih ke arah ngeselin dan jahat. Gue sering bilang kalo dia tuh ibarat musuhnya anak-anak kecil, karena pengerecok :) dan yang lebih gak terduga lainnya, gue keliatan anak kecil banget -_- padahal gue dewasa :) eyy kenapa lu? Gak terima? Udah ah capek ada yang dikacangin katanya. See you on the phone!

Friday, November 13, 2015

I colored my hair!!

Different look I guess because I never thought to do this far with hair of course. I totally change my hair's color into golden blonde (it said), looks like brown but not too dark. I love it anyway! They look perfect and beautiful, accidentally fit with my skin, magic. When they going wet, it changes darker so just like Nadine's hair (*chandrawinata). When in normal, I see Marshanda's hair when she just made that video. I nailed it and so happy. No, not like I want to compare with celebrity but I just want to describe. But I kinda unhappy at first because they did wrong with my hair (too light) and I was dissapointed. But someone said just being confident, and here I am like, confident-happy-and,so,proud. Why me so proud? Because finally I can take this hard decision for myself. Coloring will take a lot of risk and I want to take that risk because I want to. Not so many people have a courage to change their hair's color (just trust me). They want but they don't have a courage. Like me. But when I asked permission from parents, they just lemme to do so. The point is, I know this is kampung or alay or norak (but it's ok karena hal yang baru pertama kali dilakuin akan membuat kita terlihat terlalu girang akan hal itu, and I'm not blaming myself dengan kata-kata itu) I just proud of myself for being tough and a bit mature. A bit, I know. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

The Best of Me (2014)

I don't know,
I watched it twice but still crying. Feeling how deep the film means to me. I love the whole stories. I love to see how true love works till the end. Even the main characters not always being together. I love you Nicholas Sparks as always. It likes I want to wake up with someone beside me in the mornings. I want to spend my evenings looking at you across the dinner table. It likes I want to share every mundane detail of my day with you and hear every detail of yours. It likes I want to laugh and fall asleep in your arms. -- All of that thing happens after watching this. So cool!

“Everyone wanted to believe that endless love was possible. She'd believed in it once too, back when she was eighteen. But she knew that love was messy, just like life. It took turns that people couldn't foresee or even understand, leaving a long trail of regret in its wake. And almost always, those regrets led to the kinds of what if questions that could never be answered.”

I don't have much to offer, but I promise you can have the best of me :)