Thursday, November 26, 2015

When God made you, He was showing off.

I just realised how beautiful God made you. This is not something I proud of, but like I am happy and feel so lucky having that guy besides me while I can not do anything. We shared many moments, the great ones and the shitty ones. I wanna grow together as someone who watch each of us grow. Be my very best friend forever till we can not handle this stomachache because the laughter we made. I remember every detail of you said I'm a child, I look like a kid. But a kid is always spread the love and fun things when people like you need someone like this. And he is happy. I'm happier to make you happy. I can be this cheerful which I can not imagine before. Yeah for this time I agree with you, remember-- only for this time, I look like a kid when you around me AND this kid fits with someone who older than her, who wiser. Keep incredibly amazing Riandy!

Knowing you is a gift, while you said you are very lucky to meet me, more than that I'm lucky having you as my part time lover and full time friend. People might be questioning "isn't this too fast?" I'll answer with the chins up "not for to be happy".

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