Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 Review

Today is 2015 and tomorrow will be 2016. I'm 20 yo girl today and tomorrow I'll be 21. It's been an awesome year for me, happy tears, sad tears. If you ask me my higlight of this year, it's probably this
Sometimes you go sad, go tired, you get angry and dissapointed. But I have a new rules here, that you have to smile and be happy today (I have a test at noon but still concern writing blog, and i called them happiness). Those pictures selfie that i've taken during this year that almost describe my day in a nutshell. From up left till down right. I've been running my life through the heavy part and the best part so I wanna thank to this year because I guess my future owe a thanks to my 20 yo hehe.

There's a lot of sorry about this year too and If I could say sorry personally I will do that. Sorry. I hope we still friends and time doesn't heal the pain, you know, it's a big lie. It's not healing, the wound stays and the hole will forever be there. As big as they are and not getting any smaller. But you just get used to it. You know what I mean? You learn to live your life with those pain.

SO TODAY (31/12 7:21 pm) i continue writing this post and believe for a hundred percent sure this night will be amazzzzinngggg. I'm alone here in my sanctuary. No friends stay in their room, sadly i know. But I'm so grateful to have someone named Riancul around me. And he was already knew that i'm so thankful being his best friend.

Well 2015, if 2015 have 12 months, i'll say I had an ups and downs moment in the first 5th months. The next forth months was hard and struggle and fragile. But see, I'm back alive and met someone new, so.. my end of 2015 is fantastic.

No much friends come, still Ninda my very best friend stay. She just the one in Semarang. And I can say I don't have friend to trust but Ninda. Thank you Nin, you have a kind heart. What else? Yeah I had an internship in PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical last August and I still miss the atmosphere in there. The shitty tears too. And this is our selfies again
Thanks for the experience becoming one of you (seriously I love being there).

Then, I met Riancul and we match I guess lol. He doesn't try anything to make me happy but i don't know I'm just happy besides him. Awalnya (eakk bahasa indonesia) gak ada rasa kaya Riancul pdkt atau apa ngedeketin atau apa. Aku cuma suka minta tolong Riancul dan Riancul mau nolongin. Riancul recently jadi sering nemenin aku makan waktu itu tapi dia sopan gak ada sikap kaya ngedekitin sampe akhirnya... Haha lucu. Intinya, aku senang.


i'll continue this later. HAPPY NEW YEAR.

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