Thursday, December 27, 2012

Guilty as hell

Hello guys, maybe you should know that feeling can change as fast as a wind. And I don’t even know why it could be like that? To be honest, I feel so guilty being so melodramatic for the last post. Why should you care for someone who can be yourself enemy? Maybe you will get confuse to understand my words. Today, I met him after a long time we decided not to meet each other. I felt so awkward. There’s no kind of interest in myself to meet him again. It’s just so so. I hate him so much, I guess. Really hate him never bigger to hate him like this. You pissed me off and I don’t know how to accept your sorry even if you will do, maybe. I can’t accept it for sure. I’m strong enough to kick and punch you right now.

  lalalalalalalalala :D

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