Thursday, December 20, 2012

hi Hun

I never thought that someone's hands will feel this comfort when it touch you
I never expect that someone's embrace will feel this safe when it hold you
But somehow it feel that way when you're around.


Mungkin terdengar klise, tapi ya memang begini kenyataannya. 

I know this is late, we are far away right now. You probably is enjoying your new life. I don't want to bother you by texting you or calling you this late... And I know that you hate to be calling up by no reason. So, I write it down right here and hoping you will read this.

Remember when we were in high school? It is so easy to see you and talk to you. To share every moment in my life with you. Whenever I feel upset or lonely you were there by my side. Whenever I feel happy or excited you were there by my side. Physically. I remember we used to spent every hour together, we went to watch movies or wasting time at courses and your house. At school we spent most of our time together. The only time I didn't see you is in the morning, because you usually come right before the school bell rings while I come 30 minutes before, and when we were in class. But besides that, we always together. It was us, me and you, against the world back then.

But now things have changed. A lot. We live in different city.

Remember the last day before you moved out? I was crying. I was so afraid of losing you.The first week you moved out was so hard, I constantly crying every night after we talked over telephone. My eyes was swelling because of it. But as time goes by, I finally can control my self, my feelings, and most of all the thought of losing you. Because now, i really losing you. I remember the first time you went home. I was freaking happy to see you. But you ignore me in a sudden. By that time I realized we will never going back together.

I was willing to do anything to hold on to it. And to keep you by my side, to have you as mine. Because I don't want to share 'how was my day' to anyone but you. I don't want to share my happiness to anyone but you. I don't want to love any other guy but you. I was so lucky to have you, at that time. Until we break apart so far away.

Someone always do questioning myself, why I'm so melodramatic and can't throw him away. Yes! I have an answer. I just need him to know, by then, I could let him go. Be inspired by The Script, how if you could see me now? :) hei, A?

How pathetic, there's a friend, I know he tries to make me respect. But, once again, I can't. Really I can't. He is kind, He is nice and also good looking, but something hold me so sticky!

I am sorry for being so melodramatic. Something went wrong with my brain I guess. So much too think and too do kinda make my brain short of explode. I guess that is the reason why I have been act so melodramatic lately. Anyway, I am in the end of my final semester test. Things have gone so fast, right?

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