Thursday, August 29, 2013

We can learn from that

Jadi begini,

Kapanpun secara tiba-tiba bisa saja isakan tangis itu pecah. Entah karena memang sebelumnya ia sengaja menahan atau tertahan tanpa ia sadari. Terus menjadi orang yang senang dan tersenyum di depan orang lain. Apa yang ada di benaknya sampai air mata itu menetes ia sendiri pun tak tahu. Ada kalanya ia merasa kosong. Kadang pula ia merasa sangat hampa. Bahkan ada saat-saat ia bersyukur diantara isakan tangisnya. Ketika menangis, ia tahu akan tertawa lagi setelah bangun dari tidurnya. Lupa sejenak akan masalah yang ia tidak sadari keberadaanya. Atau membohongi dirinya sendiri bahwa tidak ada yang salah sama sekali dalam hidupnya.

She wish she could write about him. But what can she say? There's too much to tell. She couldn't decide where to start, what to write. Happiness filled with laughter, pain completed by tears. Even when people think there's no more theirs, She knows somehow they're still connected.

Even though they're no longer together,
Even when she was alone or with someone else, she missed him now and then. 
Even though he was nowhere to be seen, she sees him with her heart.

I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about her. The girl whose named Lola.
She used to be the luckiest girl in the world. She had a nice good looking boyfriend who loves her very much. And Lola, she is sweet, intelligent, and articulate. When her boyf became her fiance, and 3 weeks before their wedding, they broke up. Understandably, her world crumbles around her. she’s an absolute mess. A disaster. Lola didn’t know what she wants or what to do with her life. She now has no man.

But isn’t that life? What people do when they’re dumped? They obsess over their exes, retracing the steps of their relationship, trying to deciper the clues that led to the relationship’s unraveling. They pine for them. They strategize ways to accidentally run into them (or avoid them like the plague). Either way, there’s a lot of strategizing involved. I wanted Lola to be empowered. To stop obsessing over nice but douchey guys who didn’t appreciate her or who weren’t right for her. I wanted her to hang out with her female friends.

I don’t want to spoil the ending. But I will say this. Lola achieves happiness. She became happy with who she was and with her life. Now that doesn’t mean she says fuck you to all her relationships. While she knew how to love other people, she didn’t know how to love herself, a lesson most of us need to learn.

For more, just watch this :-) a very great movie, and we can learn from that.

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