Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Selamat Hari Blogger Nasional!

27 Oktober.

Wish nya, semoga orang orang gak ada lagi yang nanya, "kenapa curhat di media social sih?" "kalo gw mau curhat mending gw gak nge blog biar gak dibaca orang" semoga gak ada lagi tanggapan-tanggapan seperti itu. Semoga juga gak ada lagi pikiran negatif yang timbul akibat mereka hanya sedikit-sedikit tau gw dari baca blog gw di post an terakhir. Well, makasih sebelumnya udah diperhatikan seperti ini. Intinya, selamat hari blogger ya! gw senang dan bahagia juga di hari ini. Semoga kalian juga ikut senang. Dan please banget jangan ada yang suka nyeletuk-nyeletuk asal huhu. Ya gpp sih :p sesenengnya aja wkwk. 

Kalo Riandy bilang, masa lalu yaudah gak usah dibahas lagi. Gw juga anggap masa lalu adalah bagian dari hidup gw kok. Gak ada yang pernah asal gw buang. Engga pernah. Karena masa lalu bagi gw bukan sampah atau sesuatu yang perlu dilupakan. Gak tau orang lain, tapi gw gak pernah sejahat itu. Open minded aja sih. Show must go on. Jadi misal ada teman-teman yang masih nyangkut-pautin kehidupan kita sekarang dan masa lalu, didiemin aja. Gak perlu lo berkutat dengan hal yang itu-itu aja. Iya kan :) Jadi gak ada salahnya juga kalo gw mulai nyeritain orang baru dan ngenalin orang baru di sini. Bahagia itu lo yang nentuin, bukan mereka. Kehidupan lo ya lo yang jalanin. Maaf kebanyakan pake lo gw, gak biasa (gak biasa wkwk)

Belum lagi karena orang tua gw yang mulai menyadari dengan kehidupan gw sekarang. Bukan nama dia lagi yang gw sebut sehingga menimbulkan pertanyaan. Gw gak tau harus mulai cerita gimana. Gw pun masih ingat setiap orang tua gw nanyain, gw gak mungkin ngomong apa adanya. Disaat orang tua gw mulai ngasih statement "cerita aja" ya gw cuma bilang "gak ada apa-apa emang begini ma"

Gw bukan mengais masa lalu atau bagaimana. Gw hanya tiba-tiba keinget hari dimana gw tau dan gw sadar bukan orang itu yang perlu gw tangisin. Bukan orang itu yang perlu gw kejar. Hari dimana gw tau orang itu bener-bener bukan jadi dirinya sendiri. Gw bahkan gak akan tega, untuk membayangkan aja gw gak bisa. Maaf, maaf banget. Sesalah salahnya gw, itu masalah kita dulunya. Yaudah, terlalu jauh gw ngebahas ini lagi. Karena nyokap lagi-lagi nanyain "kenapa". Bokap gw juga pernah ikuta-ikutan kepo. Gw beruntung ajasih punya keluarga yang deket banget sama gw. Walau gengsi sama-sama tinggi wkwk. Gengsi gw tinggi kayanya karena nurun dari bokap. Haha.

Kalau masih ada yang nanya, kenapa perlu curhat di blog, ya ini emang gw. Gw yang dari dulu udah ngelakuin hal ini. Ini kaya diary ya kalian bisa baca, gitu kan mikirnya? Tapi siapun yang gw ceritain di sini, bener-bener orang yang special artinya. Thanks banget udah menghiasi hari-hari gw. Apaya. Malah gw bahagia ada orang-orang yang bisa selalu jadi pensil warna di hari gw yang gw anggap buku gambar. 

Sekarang ini, seperti harapan semua orang, jalani apapun itu dengan sebaik-baiknya. Lakuin hal terbaik yang bisa lo lakuin. Hadapi kehidupan lo dengan bijaksana. Untungnya ada orang bijaksana yang saat ini siap kapanpun ngasih saran ke gw. "Lo harusnya gini cil jangan kaya ginilah" "besok-besok kalo ngadapin gini lagi, lo harusnya gini, nanggepinnya jangan kaya gitu". Wow. Gw pikir, tiap orang atau cewe, atau gw tepatnya haha, bahkan lebih butuh orang yang kaya gitu.


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

2010 2015 well, we made it!

"fix ya 20 10 2015 21.10?" He said.


Still staring here about 10 minutes and don't know what to write first. All is amazing. You are cute enough to make this day wonderful. I don't need you to see this I just want to describe how happy to be me! For all the grateful that God has given me this way, i'm so thank to God. My heart was beating fast and i made a move because of you. You are not so kind and how do i say cuek? Yap you are far from the predictable guy. But as you see, I just love you. You are just being you not someone else. I didn't even know you tried to get my attention, i didn't feel anything, sorry :p But till one fine night, Oct 18th in so early morning, you said the unpredictable words that i never imagine the words will come out from your mouth. From that time I realized all the things we did, I noticed myself throw-back-thing a lot. Yeah, I found someone that make me fall in love. I don't know why. We just did, right? You don't need any reason to fall in love. But we just did. 

Last, I hope the best for everything happens tomorrow. See you R! 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

I Miss You

I know we haven’t seen each other, or even talked each other in a while
But I want you to know, that i've been doing a lot of thinking lately
And.. I want you to know that I miss you
Not like “I regret what happened” or even “I want to see you again”
Just, I miss you
Just, I miss you
Its so strange to think that someone I used to know so well is now a totally stranger to me
That sometimes I go entire days without thinking about you, even a little
Most of the time, I let myself forget, because its easier. But then I find something
A photo, a gift, a stupid love latter to give each other, and the full weight of whats been lost comes crashing down on me
Part of me want to see you again, to hold you again, to kiss you again
All the feelings become empty fills. When I look back home, remembering that love isn’t always at seems
It just so easy to forget
But this isn’t regret. We had reason for ending it, and they are as valid as ever
But back at the start, we didn’t need any reasons to fall in love, we just did
The reason came at the end, and everything that’s happened since has been all about reasons.
And that’s good. It means one day I might find someone I wont have to say goodbye to.
But part of me just misses loving someone and having them love you back, that’s all
I guess what i'm saying is, I hope something is good with you, I hope everything is great, I hope everything is great
I hope you found a love that’s all the things ours couldn’t be
But just a small part of me hopes that you still remember what I was like before all the reasons
And that you miss me too

View the comic here: http://moonfruitcomics.com/666/?p=1165

Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Longest Ride (2015): Love Requires Sacrifice

Hey, I need to remind you that I love "Dear John" more than anything else movie over the world. I need to remind you that I love Nicholas Sparks's work. So yeah it's always amazing to have after-watch-feeling when you will always know he do the best job. 

And here we go... The Longest Ride

Lemme tell you something about what I hear. That's the greatest words along the movie. It feels touchy and a bit fancy but sad still. You can hear that in the 95:15 minutes. You know I'm about to cry.

"I need to say something. I know I felt in love for the first time I saw you. You just the most amazing beautiful girl I ever met, just I don't know somehow you choose me. But how I love you that's it, I guess nothing than I love you now. I love you with everything in me. I think you should go. I love you so much, I just want you to be happy. Even if that happy is no longer include me."

You have to watch. Because love requires sacrifice, always.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Southpaw (2015)

Film ini baru aja gw tonton di sela-sela kelas yang (God) dimulai jam 3 siang nanti. In my free time, like you know, Bella and me already had our class in the morning. So yeah we are free right now. We decided to go find a nice movie till we saw "SOUTHPAW". Gw itu emang gak bisa nonton kalau pada dasarnya gw belum baca cuplikan sinopsis nya, entah itu di website atau blog orang. Jadi, gw harus tau itu cerita tentang apa terlebih dahulu. Berbeda dengan kali ini, sumpah pada awalnya gw kira ini film dance seperti Step Up atau Street Dance (karena cover yang kalian tau dan gw liat secara sekilas, sekilas banget, itu kaya cover nya film dance competition, actually bukan cover yang gw tampilin itu). Jadi gw salah besar ketika adegan awal langsung menunjukan permainan tinju. Gw ngerasa buta disitu haha karena like I've told you, gw emang harus baca sinopsisnya dulu. Film pun berlanjut sambil gw searching for the main short story retell or synopsis. Dari situ gw tau ini film tentang olahraga tinju. Ok. 

Scene awal selain dibuka dengan pertandingan tinju yang dilakukan oleh si pemeran utama ini, Billy Hope (well namanya keren), juga menceritakan tentang sosok perempuan dibalik Billy Hope. I can see they love each other by knowing how they stare at. Dibalik laki-laki hebat terdapat wanita hebat. How his wife is always be there in every champion. dan emang cuma support dari istrinya yang bisa membuat Hope menjadi sang juara, they called. Ini cerita tentang keluarga, persahabatan, dan mengenai kehidupan. Kalian akan ngerti atau lebih mengerti makna kehidupan sesungguhnya by watching this. Keluarga bahagia Billy Hope bersama istri dan anak perempuannya, Leila. Kehidupan mewah karena kemenangan-kemenang yang di raih oleh sang juara. Namun, you have to believe, mereka semua itu temporary.

Semua orang itu menjaga mu seperti bubble, melindungi supaya tidak pecah, dan membuat mu bisa terbang tinggi. Ketika bubble itu pecah, mereka seperti kecoa yang berhamburan pergi. Dan cuma ada keluarga yang akan memunguti kepingan (kamu).

Gw emang gampang nangis kan kalo nonton film. Di sini, istrinya tertembak terus meninggal. Dan, kehidupan sebenarnya baru benar-benar di mulai. Ketika posisi ini, kalian bisa liat mana yang disebut dengan kecoa :(

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Hey whats up guys? Looks like I have a lot of free time if you want to know, i'm filming myself recently, and i'm enjoying what i'm doing. Cila did something crazy, my friend said. I don't know it was fun. My friends oftenly getting annoyed with me, sorry, I entertain a lot of people. Like today I had a prank call game in Arda's sanctuary. She just watched me did that stupid thing. Well the first one I called is Betha.


"Hallo Betha kamu di mana?" / "Di rumah Cit kenapa?" / "Bet aku lagi di jalan, boleh ke rumah mu gak?" / "Ada apa Cit udah malam" / (well it's night already, around 9 pm) "Aku mampir sebentar ya, aku... kebelet eek" / "Hah seriusan?" / "Gak tahan lagi kebelet banget" (I laughed too much till I can't clearly finish my words) / "Toilet rumah ku lagi mampet Cit aduh seriusan deh gimana ya" / "Gpp udah kebelet banget ini seriusan mau eek" / "Di pom bensin aja sana beneran lagi mampet" / then I laughed again so hard till my stomach hurts "You got my prank call sorry haha bye" I ended up the phone. I still can not stop laughing, that was so funny. Then I continue to Riandy. First calling he was rejected my phone and he said "friends here" but I called him again. He answered!

"Hallo Ndi lagi dimana?" / "Di kosan kenapa" / "Gw lagi di jalan, mampir ke kosan lo ya" / "Ngapain?" / "Gw kebelet... kebelet eek" (then I laugh really hard) "gw ke kosan lo ya sumpah gak tahan lagi" / "Heh ini kosan cowo mana bisa" / My stomach hurts at that time so I ended up the phone.

It was crazy and fun two things I did and made my night. Really. I'm so sorry to both of you, I just like you guys and you are awesome :') Sorry sorry haha.


Well BACK TO KODALINE as my headline as my title post. I just watched them for the first time and I really like.. Wait I need to say this, "I LOVE YOU GUYS" "YOU DID A GREAT WORKS IN MUSICS" 

Blogs, you have to watch All I Want music video part 1 and part 2 (I need more part seriously) I cried. I know I know I cry a lot. If you really following and reading my blog, I cry for every little thing like, musics, movies. I always posting stuff that I really think I need to remember them in the future. So yeah. Wait I have another one. You have to watch High Hopes by Kodaline too. I cried. Trust me they really make an awesome music videos.