Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Graduation Story #2

The second graduation was on Monday. I called MUA home. Her named Mba Win and Mba Nur. I got their contact from Inggit my kost-mate. They did perfectly their job. I was so beautiful and different. On Saturday and Sunday morning, I didn’t meet Riandy because her mother was in Semarang too. But we didn’t meet each other because they have to go to Kudus. On Friday morning before Jumatan, Riandy accompanied my family and I to package my motorcycle in Tawang. After Jumatan, he had an appoinment with Pak Widayat. And we went to Cimory without Riandy. There’s a funny story, My father had a wrong way with direction to Surabaya. While we wanted to go to Cimory from Bawen. So we turned back and got the right direction.

On Saturday, Ninda came over with Luthfi. She brought a snack parcel and we had a chat till around 4 pm. After that, we went shopping and had dinner outside. On the next day, I took my family to CFD-an at Simpang Lima, and baby brother was so excited because I said there’s a lot of Paw Patrol Lego there. At 9 am, we met Bagas in Lawang Sewu because he just arrived in Semarang with his friends by plane. Around 12 pm, Riandy came over and I had lunch with him. After lunch, my mom decided to buy “something” for my close friends. We wrapped it together at night.

The next morning, Mba Win and Mba Nur has already came around 4.30 am and all set. They did my look first and Moma then. The ceremony schedule was 6.30 am, and me just ready at 7 am. I believe they must be late.

I just entered the hall and we all ready to stand up for singing Indonesia raya and Mengheningkan Cipta. Suddenly my body felling unwell wanna fall down, I felt cold, and couldn’t see clearly. I told my friend that I have to go out. I just feeling like “upacara senin pagi waktu jaman sekolah dimana sering ngerasa mau pingsan”. I often like that when in high school. I called my father first before leaving the procession. And my father saw me walking out to door. When I can reach my father’s hand, I fall down into floor. It’s a long story. In my mind at that time, I can’t finish this graduation process. I wanna take off my toga also kebaya and others.

After 30 minutes being outside, I came back with well condition. I thank to God that I’m Ok. The ceremony feeling so so so long. My name was called around 10 am, and the ceremony was over at 11.30 or 12.

We took a family photo with graduation background behind, also there’s Riandy in it. I’m feeling so mature because I can take my boyfriend into my family. After that, my family left us alone because I still have arak-arakan Tekim. And Riandy again and again, driving me home and always be there. We stopped in Indomaret he bought me a variant of drink, 3 drinks. So cute. He stayed till around 4 pm and I remember he kept watching me eat my lunch with make up still on my face.

At night, I had dinner with Riandy. I just got my parent’s permission to spend the night with Riandy because tomorrow morning I have to leave Semarang. We had lunch in Marugame Udon. Like usual, aku gak pernah bisa habisin satu porsi udon. Tapi Riandy bisa plus porsi ku, hehe. That’s what man are for sometimes. Peace.

End of the second day. I’m writting in the office by the way. See you...

Graduation Story #1

Been a long time haven’t updated my blog yet. So, yeah, I finally graduated from college on last October. My family visited me on Wednesday while the first graduation ceremony was on Thursday. We had our night in Noormans Hotel and the next morning became the most hectic moment. My mother did my make up because I really didn’t care about look so I didn’t call MUA like the other girls did. I just put my hijab and toga on the ride. Cool, right?

In the beginning of ceremony, I felt sad because my mom and baby brother couldn’t enter the hall. Although when I attended the pre-event ceremony, a man who I didn’t know the name said that they set a room for mother and child with television in it. So they still can watch the whole procession. But the fact, they didn’t let anyone who bring child under 13 to come. I said on the phone to my mom, I saw there’s a room with television and air conditioner like that man said. I didn’t know what happened next but I know finally they could come over and had a seat in that room.

My father took a blurry picture of me when my name called to go on the stage. I smile and yeah, that’s it. It just happened 15-30 seconds and we have to wait 2-3 hours for being called.

When the ceremony was over, I saw my father, mom, and baby brother had a lot of gift on their hand. I got a lot of bouquet, a medium bear doll with toga, and my name with title bachelor of engineering. And I went outside with the to meet my other friends. I saw Riandy and he helped me to take my gift. This wasn’t his first time met my family because he had ever visited me before. Yeap, the day when I took him to Supermall Karawaci. Riandy took a picture of me with my family. And also my dad took a picture of me with Riandy. I remember there’s also Dawam took a picture of me with Riandy.

Nuke and his boyfriend, Rasyid (same name as Riandy, lol), gave a bouquet of flower and we took a picture together, four of us. The next situation was still took a picture with friends that I can not mention it one by one.

Because the weather was bad at that time, I went home with family. And Riandy still had other business to do. So he couldn’t join me home.

Around 6 pm, still the same day, Riandy visited me at home, we had a plan to have dinner together with my family. Before we had dinner, we went to Paragon Mall because baby brother want to buy a play-doh. Riand took a drive, lol. And then, we had dinner at Nasi Goreng Padang because my mom loves fried rice and Riandy gave a recomendation for this cuisine. The last time I ate nasi goreng padang, I got a circle red mark whole my body, and also fever. I checked it to the doctor and I got typhus. But the second chance I ate it, I’m just fine. Maybe my imun in a good condition. At nasi goreng padang, we met a lot of Tekim Friends, Agung, Bagus, Suryo.

End of the day one...

Friday, October 21, 2016

His named Riandy


Throw back to the day when he was driving me back home. We had dinner in Sudoku, actually that's my choice. I didn't know he wear black as same as me, so we were connected haha. I knew it! Since the day we met. And we went around 4 to Paragon. Fyi, he likes shopping. He didn't mind to spend his money a lot. He loves seeing gundam, toys, shoes, books, sometimes clothes, and because I love being around with him, it doesn't matter for me. I like those too. We wonder in the future he more likely to ask me to go shopping while I prefer to stay in couch haha. I never been this happy with someone. It's different feeling. I laugh a lot, I smile a lot, I pretend like a kid a lot, and he always said I deserve to get trait better. I always feel like a woman. In this past a year, he never failed to amaze me. Well, back on Sunday Oct 16th, He came to Tangerang and visited my house. Met my family. One step closer I guess. And yeah, yesterday is our first year being together. We decided to celebrate in normal, no special things because we both not typically romantic person. I said no flowers, no gift, no candle, just having dinner together (although everyday we do this). We didn't wear formal outfit, just casual. No surprise. Dinner went normal like usual until he driving me back home. He had a gift in his hand, wrapped by own himself. He said this is something for you, for your graduation, for your new job, for our a year being together. I can not believe it. He had something for me and I hadn't? How come? This is so unfair. I knew there's a valuable thing inside. But he didn't lemme open it until he arrived and said open it. He didn't want to see my live reaction because he's too shy. So we made a deal, I don't want to open it without him and he didn't want to see me live, that's why video call's going. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sebelum Sidang

..... karena aku ingin mengingat momen ini. 

H+3 lebaran (9 juli) dengan semangatnya aku sudah berada di Semarang lagi. Ya.. walau sebenarnya pakek jalan-jalan dulu sih sekeluarga (yap, naik mobil dari Jkt). Perasaannya waktu itu, degdegan. Gak rela ninggalin suasana liburan. Setelah lebaran itu entah kenapa ngelakuin apa apa jadi semangat. Sampe akhirnya target Agustus pun tercapai. Partner ku orang yang asik banget. Sigap dan pendengar yang baik (karena aku orangnya suka cerita haha). Kita berdua sama-sama gak rajin (bangun siang, tidur cepet, kalo bisa main lebih milih main), tapi hebatnya... kita punya cita-cita yang sama, dan hal itu yang menjadi tujuan kita, sampai akhirnya pekerjaan lebih terorganisir, kita punya weekly plan, dan baru bener-bener nemuin metode yang efektif untuk ngerjain skripsi ini. Less than 4 weeks loh padahal. Seperti postingan sebelumnya, aku sempet ngeluh, sempet ngerasa gak mungkin. Rasanya pingin berterima kasih sama orang-orang yang membantu kelancaran ini. Doswal aku, Pak Andri, yang marahin aku karena "buat apa ngambil matkul perbaikan lagi", beliau tidak mau mentandatangani krs semester ganjil ku itu. Beliau yakin aku bisa sidang bulan Agustus or at least September. Akhirnya aku ganti krs lagi dan dengan mantap nya hanya mengambil TPPK. Karena emang sempat tidak percaya diri akan wisuda Oktober (walau itu tujuannya), apalagi sampe sidang Agustus. Aku sama Arda sama-sama proud by our self karena kita yang "biasa-biasa" aja malah menjadi pioneer. Terima kasih juga sama Pak Indro (dosbing guehhh hiks) yang sumpah super duper baik parah dan memberikan jalan terbaik serta termudah dalam menyelesaikan pabrik ini. Demi, terharuh. Beliau yang ngasih semangat dan SELAMAT ke kita melalui jabat tangan yang sangat berarti wow banget. 

Ternyata benar, degdegan itu pasti ada ya. Aku sama Arda belajar kesana kemari dengan temen-temen yang makasih banget udah bantuin belajar. Tiap malem mimpi di sidangin. Tidur pun gak tenang. Lebay gaksi? Sampe ke mimpi cuy. Apalagi H-1, gue tidur siang pun degdegan :'( pertama kalinya. Akhirnya nyalain musik kenceng-kenceng, dan teringat waktu gue menghadapi ujian SNMPTN, gue juga dengerin musik pake earphone sampe lokasi tujuan ujian. Ah emang nenangin banget kalo dengerin musik itu. Malem nya gue gak belajar. Gue nonton Net TV :( wkwk abisan lucu aja liat Sule. Gue cuma butuh hiburan untuk mengalihkan degdegan nya gue. Tapi ajaibnya malah malemnya gue tidur nyenyak kaya kerbau.

Riandyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Kamu selalu ada banget sihhh. Riandy itu sosok yang menemaniku selalu (acikk hehe). Diem diem romantis. Gak banyak ngomong tapi langsung ngasih tindakan. Sampe sampe aku gak tau yang ngasih buket itu Riandy, aku kira temen yang ngasih. Riandy berjasa sangat penting sama pentingnya kaya Azfar, hehe. Aku mau juga giniin Riandy pas sidang nya kamu nanti. Ku tunggu kau ya.

Ohiya, liat video di bawah ini deh

Pagi buta loh itu. Suasananya mencekam ya. Dingin dingin sepi gimana gitu. Pada waktu itu, aku udah gak deg deg an sama sekali. Bawaannya enjoy. Jadwal sidang jam setengah 8. Gak tau nya diundur jadi jam setengah 10. Maju nya pertama. Persentasi berdua sama Arda, ketika tanya-jawab, Arda keluar. Baru mulai degdegan. Otak beku rasanya wkwk :") Tapi alhamdulillah hueee. Pas keluar ruangan, nangis. Karena otak kembali mencair. Tapi bahagia, liat banyak temen-temen yang datang berkunjung dan nyemangatin. Pas keluar, aku langsung di tangkap Riandy. Aku jadi bisa mewek di pelukannya (ceileh, engga deng). Lalu Riandy dan kawan-kawan lain nyemangatin. 

Friday, August 26, 2016

August 25th, 2016

"and if you are lucky enough, you will find some people who make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger. Then, suddenly live just get a little bit better."

Alhamdulillah finally I can finish my study. This is for you mom, dad.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Current Mood.

"I'll give you 3 seconds. To slap my face."
"Huh? What do you mean?"
.........!! *kiss*
"...one"  --- "...two"
"H-hhey, you.. you!"
"...three" "times up." "You didn't slap me" "Then..."
*kiss agan*

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Me Before You

Been waiting long till I found a very nice movie to be watched alone. There won't be a dry eye after watching this movie. I felt this is a good cry, like my throat having a trouble and my eyebags can not stand this tear. Sam Claflin and Emilia Clarke such a perfect couple. And the ending.. was really hurt me. I cry, ok?

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Perbincangan saat ini

Mau tau gak, apa yang sedang gue inginkan? Skripsi ini kelar dan gue berada tepat beberapa detik setelah sidang gue di terima para dosen penguji. Ah, seandainya bisa men-skip ini semua. Ngomongin soal skripsi, ternyata kata skripsi ini bener-bener seperti kaya apa yang orang katakan. Rasanya sama seperi apa yang orang pernah bilang mengenai rasanya. Dan pada akhirnya, gue merasakan. Parahnya, baru merasakan. Baru dapet feel tegangnya skripsi. Kenapa? Pingin cepet lulus? Iya pasti. Tapi rasanya berbeda. Seperti berada diantara pingin cepet lulus, tapi belum ingin ke kehidupan selanjutnya. Yaitu menjadi dewasa dan punya pekerjaan. Tapi aneh juga, rasanya ingin memiliki pekerjaan karena ingin memiliki uang banyak. Haha, aneh perasaan campur aduk ini. Pingin cepet lulus, tapi ingin juga menikmati zona seperti ini. Hal lainnya yang buat tegang, gue baru merasakan ingin ngebut pagi malam buat ngerjain skripsi ini ketika melihat satu per satu temen sejurusan dan seangkatan gue ini pada sidang satu-satu. Dan rata-rata mereka bilang, rasanya deg deg an, pikiran dan tindakan mulai gak sinkron, tidur pun tidak bisa, tapi belajar sudah tak sanggup. Yang jadi pertanyaan gue, apa cuma di teknik kimia ya rasanya akan seperti ini? Seandainya gue anak hukum atau ekonomi atau fisip, apa rasanya akan sama? Pastinya tiap ilmu masing-masing punya kesulitan, tapi.... perancangan pabrik? Skripsi bukanlah sekedar kata dan mencari data lalu diolah. Tapi juga logika, kompetensi, cara bagaimana menyelesaikan masalah, mengenai perhitungan, dan ilmu pabrik. Huhu. 

Barusan gue bilang "huhu" ? Itu berarti,,, ada keluhan dalam diri ini sesungguhnya. Yah temen-temen, doakan saja ya buat saya. Semoga bisa selesai tepat waktu dan secepatnya.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Short update.

Sorry people seems the writer doesn't have much time to write a story on the blog. Me, really enjoying myself in my final year before I get my bachelor degree. And... I don't talk too much about my boyfriend here like I used to, but that's because I spent most of the time with him and I couldn't be any happier.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

A little girl got mad

So, my virtual peeps, with the midterm test arriving, I needed to be more focus. What do you know anyway? There are still people reading these posts! I know my beloved readers, you wouldn't believe some of you are just loving me, waiting for my new posts, right!? Well, yesterday, I was scrolling my instagram's timeline till I didn't know how it went, and found this girl blocked me. Cool yah? I didn't even know what have I done with her or have we met yet? I don't think so. I don't know her. And do not have a business with this cute little girl :( so sad. 

And here she looks like... for privacy condition, I don't show you her name.

Girl, are you following me this far? Are you a huge fan of me? Sorry I don't know you :( and because you doing this, I always remember the thing you did to catch my attention :( Don't worry, I don't do the same thing like you did. You can still freely see my account :) 

Well it's ok, I'm not so interesting to see yours
Peace out and go find your own happiness.
Sincerely Love, me.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

35 days, why not?

Oh. Hi there.

I have abandoned this blog, I kind of forget that I have this thing and I'm too lazy to update it. Anyway, how was my kkn life? There are so much I want to tell, I don't even know how to start it. Let's start with... I spent the 35 days of #kknlyfe in Pemalang. I lived in Desa Danasari at Ibu Yati's house. She such a good mother and caring and good at cooking. Ibu Yati and her grandchild Gina also coloring my 35 days. Well, my housemates are accidentally my family. We haven't met before and must be placed in somewhere you called "home". I honestly want to skip this #kknlyfe at first. I don't know why but I thought it just wasting time and money also. But, one of many things I learned, I love them unfortunately. I found the most fun and supportive friends you could ever imagine. Cool right? So this is our picture

They are my family. Look how we stick each other and I'm so grateful being us. How could you forget with people who saw you every single times from morning till morning again, from the ugliest part of them. I couldn't. Babies, thank you for those smiles, and.. the drama tho, the sharing session, the teary eyes because we have to be back to "reality". I still remember the time we sleep together, the time we do karaoke, playing badminton even football, the time we have a creepy night and movies all day long. You know I'm still not good in words but this one you may understand that I'm so happy in 35 days with them, my gengs. 

Lingga, the leader, as known as kordes koordinator desa, who always taking care of us. He loves smoking, I don't know why, and he doesn't allowed to consume green veggies and sea fish. But honestly, he's so kind. Tyas, the secretary and the most diligent ever, I love her because she is unique and I never heard she said tired. I think that's cool! Syahid, as "who doesn't know him?", full of laughter and his life sounds easy. Bima, the oldest one, as kind as father, he just funny in his way. I meant, soooo funny! Aldo, the craziest guy ever, he is unpredictable and good to know that east people not as scary as they look like. Yudhi, from him I learned many things, such an inspiring guy and congraduation for new title as Bach Deg of Law. Adrian, the innocent guy, he looks kind at first and introvert and type of calmy but actually he is not. LOL. Albab, the high temper guy but sooo care and kind, enough say. Martha, my roommate, she is funny and good at listening (ps, we match as a gossip partner). Ilma, the kindest one, my roommate, my partner in "doesn't want to do anything just in laying bed" because we are cool, agree? Onya, the multi talented girl, she can sing and playing any music instrument, she loves veggies. And the last member is me, a chemical engineering student (teknik kimia) who doesn't like..... Well it's a secret :p

So, this is my #kknlyfe (Kuliah Kerja Nyata KKN TIM 1 UNDIP 2016) See you guys on top!

Sunday, January 10, 2016


So this time I would like to write how's my birthday going. For every year I keep writing this and they are becoming more surprisingly the blast birthday ever. I cried. This is my first time I guess to cry in front of people. 

Yes, I try to remember what had happened through out last year. 20 was the year of mood easily swings. I often got angry but honestly, I don't want to. It wasn't easy to face the reality. It's a bumpy road full of daunting obstacles. However, as I underwent it, I realize how much I had grown into a much sincere, stronger, and wiser self. It's always like that, isn't it? The thing that doesn't kill you will only make you thrive.

I'm so grateful for what I have right now. And I can't wait to write down a lot more in this new age. Thank you, friends, for being here when I almost forgot how kind they are. 

Teruntuk semua ucapan-ucapan serta doa nya dari kalian semua yang gak bisa aku capture in satu-satu. Terima kasih untuk post an di media social kalian, untuk Edha yang udah ngepost foto aku di path beserta doa-doa dan harapan yang terbaik buat aku, untuk Ciwaw yang udah ngepost foto aku di Instagram beserta kata-kata lucu yang bikin inget jaman cabe kita haha, untuk Indri yang udah buat khusus tulisan mengenai aku di tumblr nya [HERE]. Terima kasih banyak ucapan serta doa kalian ya. 

Terima kasih untuk kiriman video nya dari Dias, Ardi, Meula, Reri dan Ranie, kalian emang dari dulu gak pernah absen ya! Video nya ada diatas bisa dilihat hehe. Untuk Juwi yang ngucapin pertama kali wakakak, temen kalo aku di Tangerang yah! Untuk Rayi yang... yah emang dari awal banget selalu inget, terima kasih ya. Sama untuk Kevin yang udah seperti ade sepupu sendiri. Dan temen-temen lain yang take it personally ngucapin ke aku, semoga doa yang terbaik pun untuk kalian aamiin (walau doa gak mesti di hari ulang tahun doang, tapi tidak apa-apa ya).

Paling spesial untuk orang yang hadir di hari nya aku, buat aku emotionally ya sampai menangis tiba-tiba. Buat Betha yang malemnya aku udah bete kesel parah gak diucapin sama dia, buat Jurin yang lagi chat-chat an tapi bilangnya mau di rumah aja, untuk ade nya Ninda yang sempetin mampir, untuk Ninjels yang....ah itu udah gak bisa di deskripsiin lagi yang tiap tahun selalu nyiapin khusus buat aku. Makasih juga untuk Lulu yang dateng ya karena Ninjels haha makasih ya. Riandy yang selalu ada disamping aku bahkan satu harian penuh di tanggal 9 aku bersama Riandy. Makasih untuk petualangan penuh suka cita gembira luar biasa.

Yang paling seneng untuk ade aku super cuteeee yang udah nyanyiin sealbum lagu happy birthday lewat videocall. Makasih ade nya mbaita super cute kesayangan dan segalanya. Makasih juga untuk Bagas yang ngucapin di Path, wkwk. Bermakna bung. Makasih untuk doa nya dari keluarga aku, papa mama ku, om tante dan semuanya. I love you.

Friday, January 1, 2016

2015 Review: It's Happy New Year!


Welcome January 2016...

Back to a minutes before 2016, so we spent the new year's eve at Ninda's with Lulu, Riancul, and Dinda's friends. I had a terrible but still amazing night because my first day of period (it sucks). My stomach was hurt but i ignored the pain. I consumed a tablet but still sucks. But it's ok I'm happy and enjoying the moments. I didn't take any pictures in my handphone but I guess there's a couple of me in Nin's camera. Wait I have to tell this because I forgot easily, "Thanks Riancul for taking care of me when I'm sick. For not going anywhere but stay and hold my hands. I couldn't find any better than this." I really enjoyed my night as I predicted. (smile).

Well the photo above is my brother and me, and Goddd I miss him already. He is so cute and getting smart everyday. This 2015 means a lot for 2 yo baby brother. I'm very proud being his sister.

So, this is Riancul. I'm basically running my day with this man. Having breskfast, having lunch, even having dinner. I believe everyone is agree 24 hours/day is not enough, not even close. Actually this is like when we found someone who truly they are, why we need to find 1000 others? I'm still me and he's still him, hanging out with friends of course we keep doing that. From past I learned for not hanging my own happiness in a person, so yeah i'm sure "us" will last. But the other part of me sure "do not" dream big, my life is a long way to go. Maybe we are not us in the future but I'll remember you as my very best friend because both of us do not know about time. But this moments, you are a gift. We here for each other. Thank you baby and I hope it lasts.