Friday, January 11, 2013

so, good bye 17, welcoming eighteen with love

Happy birthday to me yeayyy, I can’t describe it with words, everything seems wonderful. I thought it would be the priceless day, but I was wrong. I REALLY WAS WRONG :D I have a family in here. That’s make us different from the other major. My birthday was on physics final exam. But, it didn’t stop them to give a surprise for me. Thank you so much, totalitas, g3mbala, everyone who gave me a lovely birthday greetings, I was speechless at that time, I wanna cry, maybe you think i'm just too over :') but i don't care. Cila sayang kalian *hug one by one*

Ninda - Cila - Tutay: i was in the middle of g3mbala, and that's my birthday's cake

Ninda - Cila - Tutay: i was blowing the candles and wish everything will always running well 

Tutay - Ninda - Cila





ps: Birthday greetings

1 comment:

  1. Selamat Ulang Tahun Citra..,

    Semoga selalu diberkahi nikmat sehat walafiat dan sukses selalu..

    Tetap Semangat, Jaga kesehatan dan semoga bisa cepet selesai kuliahnya..

    "Tante Jayabaya"
