Thursday, February 28, 2013

30% funny, 70% weird

Sebentar lagi awal masuk semester 2. saya harus much better :) ohiya bener-bener dia menyita waktu saya banget x.x ya ampun gak tau deh harus gimana akhirnya. jangan-jangan ini....? haha

dia udah tinggal di US, california, sejak umur 9 tahun. makin hari makin banyak aja yang gw tau tentang dia hehe. SEMALEM ada kejadian yang buat saya kinda sad pas paginya. pas lagi chat biasa di ym, tiba-tiba dia gak bales saya lagi, yaudah saya tidur aja tapi sebelumnya saya sempet bilang gini "at the end, you leave me without saying anything?"

tadi pagi ternyata juga gak ada chat dari dia. ceritanya kan saya agak gengsi gitu mulai duluan. biasanya dia kalo pagi-pagi x_x haha. yaudah saya nunggu agak siangan. ternyata gak ada juga. akhirnya saya beraniin diri chat dia duluan..

"i was wrong?"

intinya disini error gara-gara jaringan :') dia capture in chat dia semalem, ternyata emang chat nya gak nyampe. terus saya tanya kenapa gak chat pagi-pagi? dia bilang dia email saya! dia takut saya marah makanya dia email saja, pas saya check email, ternyataaaaa
mau nyemplung ke sumur aja rasanya :') dia email saya huahaha saya saja yang tidak mengecek nya.

ya ampun jadi ini bener-bener gila hehe. ohiya besok (yang artinya di US kamis) dia ada test. dan ini yang kita lakukan barusan
seperti yang saya bilang, dia itu pintar -.- dia lagi nunjukin catatan nya. banyak loh. dia juga left handed haha

lagi belajar saya liatin :/ gak ngerti juga sih kita ngapain
ini pas lagi ngelucu
ini pas bubar hehe

yaudah sih itu aja. inimah fix S-2 nya ambil ke univ calif barkely nyusul kakak cinta laura -_-

ohiya tambahan, sumpah sama dia gak ada berenti nya ketawa haha. kalo kata dia, saya orang yang lucu. kalo kata saya, dia orang nya aneh haha. dia bilang sendiri diri dia aneh. kalo kata dia, misalnya mau di buat film, jadinya "beauty and the beast" lol

sangking lamanya kita skype an, udah berkali-kali kita minum!! minum air mineral. karena cape dan haus juga haha. tapi minum gak bisa semudah itu :)))) dia mesti ngambil nafas dalam-dalam biar dia gak ketawa gara-gara saya :))) selucu itu kah? yang pasti tadi kita ngakak banget, kalo ada lapangan didepan udah langsung ngakak sambil guling-guling.

"you drink too much!" kata saya
"haha why?"
"you dont wanna pee? :/"
"hahahahahahahahahaha" dia ketawa puas :| puas banget. sampe akhirnya dia bener-bener mau pipis, lol!!!

pas dia balik, saya bilang gini, kamu gak mau ke toilet atau dapur atau lainnya lagi gituuu? terus dia jawab, engga kenapa? terus kata saya, soalnya sekarang saya yang mau ke toilet. hahaha. yaudah saya langsung buru-buru ke toilet. selesainya dari toilet, dia nyuruh saya nunjukin tangan saya. saya bilang, bersih -___- terus kata dia "not really, there's a pee mark :/" yaudah deh kita jadi ledek-ledekan -_-

OHIYA LAGI! ini juga lucuuuuu!!!
pas dia lagi belajar, saya kan ceritanya main onet sambil meratiin dia :3 terus tiba-tiba dia berenti, langsung liat ke saya dan pasang wajah serius :') saya tanya, kenapa? terus kata dia, tinta pulpen saya habis :(
bhahahaha saya langsung nunjukin tempat pensil saya dan kasih liat isinya. dia terkejut saya punya lebih dari 5 pulpen in case. terus saya bilang, iya buat nulis laporan nanti kuliah. gitu :') yaampun lucu deh pokoknyaaaa

"everything moving fast.. haha i have to stop and think.. hmm how long do i know you? then i realize for such a short time, i like you too much"

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Piggy back ride

Kalo gw cerita tentang dia lagi, bosen gak dengernya? -_- haha
Gapapa lah yah iseng-iseng nulis diary hehe

Dear diary,
(kenapa harus pake dear diary sih Cit? -___-)
tadi siang gw skype-an dong haha gila ya sempet-sempet nya lagi, mumpung belum sibuk kuliah. kalo udah masuk, ngebayangin untuk istirahat aja suka susah.
Ceritanya harus dimulai dari mana? haha hem emangsih awalnya gw sangat-sangat nerveous untuk video chat gitu, tapi lama kelamaan udah terbiasa :')
Kita ngelakuin banyak hal gila! mungkin dia udah cape ketawa terus sama gw, mungkin dia sampe bete gw kerjain haha. sampe-sampe dia bilang

"i wanna give you a piggy back ride blablablba" hehe gw lupa lanjutannya

terus gw diem :| piggy back ride apa -_-? Pig? Babi? Kesel sih kesel aja, masa ngatain sih :\
terus gw tanya, maksudnya apa sih

"haha piggy back ride is like me lifting you up on my back :)"

mungkin karena gw lama nangkepnya terus dia langsung nambahin gini

"haha look it up images on google"

tanpa pikir panjang gw langsung buka google, dan ternyataaaaa!!! huahahaha, ayo kalian cek deh di google ;;)
mungkin karena sangking lucunya gw (?) sebelumnya kita ngelakuin hal-hal bisa dibilang bisa bikin ketawa satu sama lain. pertama gw bilang

"hey can you touch your nose with your tongue?"

hahaha pertama gw dulu yang nyoba, terus dia, terus kalian, itu susah, bahkan mustahil :') terus kita ketawa lagi haha lagian expresinya broooo, walau idung dia udah mancung juga tetep aja gak nyampe :') gw mah gak  nyampe wajar :))))

terus dia gantian, dia lebih parah lagi tantangan nya, ini mah udah pasti gagal -_- dia bilang "can you lick ur eyebrow?"

terus gw langsung pasang wajah serius. mana gw bisa :)) terus ketawa

ini nih gw abis skype sama dia hehe ohiya, gw gak sempet capture tadi soalnya terlalu cape ketawa. ohiyaaaa ada lagi, tadi dia gerak-gerakin mulutnya kaya olahraga mulut gitu katanya dia cape ketawa -_- hm bhahahahaha

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My tutor and lovely escort

Remember that I told you he is a smart guy? We share too much, I know about him slowly. We talked about everything! Sometimes we discuss about movie. colombiana, the international, and many more. He know about horror movie too. I think he collects them -_- he knows shutter! I was shocking at that time haha. It’s a Thailand movie. the one and only horror movie I ever watched. And I don’t want more.

Selain bicarain film, kita bicara juga tentang kuliah gw, kuliah dia, dia juga ambil pekerjaan menangani bidang software. Dia juga tutorin orang, whenever friends need his help. Ohiya dia ada kelas sampe jam 10 pagi, setelah itu lanjut kerja, keren banget deh, dewasa gitu, ah :’)

“done with your work?”
“almost out. Just sitting here testing some code”
“code for your project”
“yap, code for project”

Tadi nya gw mau ketawa :’3 tapi gw tahan. Kode nya di Indonesia kan beda :’) bhahaha kalo udah ada orang yang ngomongin kode pasti didepan nya pake hashtag (#kode) gitu kannnn :’) ah dasar anak jaman sekarang haha

Ohiya, dia mau ada test hari kamis besok, doain ya tuips semoga dia lancar :/

“test coming up :(“
“good luck! I know you can pass the test very well”
“hehe I will make you proud :) its tough class though x.x”
“ah great :) but I trust you can get a best mark”
“hehe thanks :) ill show you my grade after I take test”

Tuhkan dari cara ngomongnya aja udah keliatan ini orang pasti pinter banget. Pede gitu mau liatin hasil nilainya ke gw. Ya ampun im very lucky :’)

Intinya gw mau bilang, banyak yang kita bicarain, tapi isinya gak ada yang dumb stuff. How lucky I am

Terus dia nanya gw ambil kelas apa aja. Untuk semester dua ini ada organic chemistry, tech bioprocess, thermodynamic, banyak sampe gw lupa. Terus dia bilang gini (gw makin yakin dia pinter keterlaluan)

“ah nice, I never took a chemistry class. They put me in physics instead”
“you are master in physics? :) I should learn from you”
“I took 3 years of physics :p I can teach you math haha”
"I wanna be ur student o:) teach me :) but its freeee haha"
"Haha i may want some in return :p kidding"
"Ok, anything you want :p"
"what math are you planning to take next?"

karena gw belum masuk kelas matematika, jadi ini perkiraan gw aja

"just around the integral, differential, sin cos tan, for technician"
"hehe so you know those huh? thats good! my baby is smart.. i like it :p"

padahal gw cuma bilang itukan pelajaran emang wajib setiap anak indonesia pasti belajar itu :))) tapi dia kaget gw belajar itu? padahal mah ._____.

"i learn about that, you are smart too"
"no that smart haha but im ok :)"
"well, i like you more, day by day haha"
"you know what, i do too :) i dont know whats gonna happen if we keep up like this haha. all i know is we happy"
"really? happy to hear that. so, keep in touch ;)"
"haha you too"
"i will"

Monday, February 25, 2013

He distracts me alot

dia tuh keren banget ya :') dia baru bangun loh dan kini saatnya waktu tidur saya. tapi seperti biasa, kita share banyak hal. ohiya, dia tuh bener-bener serius kalo masalah pelajaran dan kelas nya. ya ampun pasti dia pinter banget :/

ohiyaaaaaa.. gara-gara foto saya diatas, kita agak marahan (cieeeee) tapi lucu deh :') so sweett bangettttttttt!!!

bener kan ya saya gak jelek-jelek banget, cocok lah yah, mirip juga kan~~~~ huahaha

"you look good. i like it :) especially the one where you do something with ur lips"
"i dont think i look good"
"well i do"
"dont zoom in -__- ok haha"
"haha ok i wont zoom in. tell me something, before you met me, what time did you go to sleep?"
"idk clearly, if i feel sleepy. i sleep. but with you, i never feel sleepy."
"thats bad :/ you looked tired. even if its to stay for me i think you should get more sleep"
"i cant sleep, moreover"
"baby i dont wanna affect ur life in bad way."
"what should i do now? :/"
"i want to make you as happy as possible but i dont want to mess with ur health and stuff"
"go sleep? i dont want till you really say you dont want to talk to me"
"thats hard words to say to u :( are you sleepy?"
"not really, maybe not yet, dont be angry with me :( i just want to talk to you :/ ok 5 mins?"
"im not angry with you, ok, its not like i dont want to haha. all i ask is just if you tired just sleep :) trying to take care of you :)"
"i know you are doing that :)"
":) is it me or the days have been going slow lately? feels like we been together for long time but at the same time i feel its not enough"

:) sampe disitu dulu yaaaa, citra nya masih chat sama dia haha

I'm happy with this guy

I wanna tell you something, but I don’t know where I should start

Jadi, di liburan yang tinggal detik –detik ini ternyata sangat-sangat menghibur dan bikin senyum-senyum sendiri. Have a relationship with a guy in different time time zone is really awesome. I mean we aren’t a couple, kita cuma suka menyita waktu berdua saja, khususnya akhir-akhir ini. Rasanya gak sekedar menakjubkan, tapi berbeda dan berbeda itu keren. Cara dia memperlakukan saya itu yang wow. Bener deh, belom liat di Indonesia yang kaya gitu. Hihi. Mungkin karena penyampaian nya yang menggunakan bahasa inggris? Tapi engga jugaaaaa, kata-katanya bikin meleleh kadang xD

Kita jadi chat setiap waktu. Lewat yahoo messanger :p Contohnya barusan, ini sekedar percakapan kita, mau saya share biar bisa dibaca ulang :p dia baru keluar kelas, dia bilang dia lagi beli some noodles with veggies on it. I asked back, “you are with your friends or alone?” ternyata dia sendiri, lagi beli makanan untuk dibawa pulang. Terus dia didalam mobil. Saya kira dia naik bus atau naik kendaraan umum lainnya, soalnya kita masih chat terus kan gak mungkin kalo dia ngendarain mobil sambil megang hape. Terus dia bilang dia lagi makan yang dia beli tadi didalam mobil. Kan saya jadi gak enak, terus saya suruh dia makan dulu aja haha tapi dia gak mau, katanya dia bisa makan sambil ngechat saya huahaha. Udah agak lamaan gitu terus saya tanya, “ure already home, right? Have you done change ure clothes? Youd better do it first.” Terus dia jawab giniiiii “nooo im still in my car. I have to drive home still xD since we been talking I haven’t been able to drive :p”

HAHA saya salah persepsi! Tuh kan dia keren haha bela-belain chat sama saya dulu sambil duduk didalam mobilnya dan sampe makan juga didalam mobil. Gak nyangka loh :’))))
Terus saya suruh dia pulang dulu aja :’) “continue ure drive first, go home Alex, ill meet you there”
Terus terus saya bilang gini “you wanna know a secret? I think I like you everyday :/”
Terus dia ketawa “haha. Why you put this :/ face”
“idk, to make a confuse face? Lol”
“well I guess we share same secret :p the more I get to know you, the more and more I like you”

Aaaaaaaa gila kan haha terus dia lanjut lagi

“I like you regardless even if you don’t have toe, I like you before I know your face”
Haha ceritanya kita udah saling share banyak hal. Dia keliatannya pintar, soalnya dia tutorin matematika salah satu ade temennya. Ohiya, yang saya bilang dia kuliah hukum, saya salah, dia ternyata software engineer (yang keren dan pintar) :p

Sepertinya kita sudah terlalu sangat jauh. Dia mengorbankan waktu tidurnya untuk chat saya. Dan saya pun juga begitu.

I like him maturely, hehe

Pas dia udah sampe dirumah, dia bilang gini

“guess who’s home :)”
“you haha”
“haha yap, finally, it was cold outside”
“come here” ceritanya saya beri dia virtual hug, hehe
“cant get any better than your hugs to warm up :p”
“hehe baby you are going to take a bath or not?”
“yup, I was bout to tell you, haha im grabbing a towel. Talk to you in a bit :)”
“ok ill wait you outside”
“haha ok :p make sure you have lunch! xD”
“yah, a couple time ago :p”
“haha ok well shower timeeeee” he said

Haha saya tertawa saja karena dia gak mandi-mandi :p “haha gooooooooo!!”
Pas dia udah selesai mandi, kita ngobrol lagi, nanya film favorit, makanan, tv shows, warna, banyak hehe

“you are so loving :) I like it” huahaha saya diginiin loh :p
“hehe am i?” tanya saya meyakinkan
“yap :)”
“if you like it, stay with me for long time”
“I want to. I like this feeling :)”
“can you describe ure feeling?”
“hmm its hard haha but I will try. It’s a feeling of happiness and also like I feel loved…. And appreciated? Haha idk its hard to explain. Its really nice feeling”
“I do it with heart hehe. I feel the way like you feel”
“that’s why im happy :)))”
“my pleasure to make you feeling happy”
“hehe thank you baby idk how I can repay you :)”
“you give me a feedback xD im happy with you too”
“making you happy makes me happy :)”

Ternyata, sudah sejauh ini :’) udah kaya film drama romantis luar negeri belom? Apa ini gara-gara saya kebanyakan nonton film jadi kaya gini haha. Semuanya kaya mimpi. Dijadiin film bagus deh pasti :’) kasih saya royalty ya jangan lupa.

Ohiya lagi, sometimes because of my bad English and lack of vocabulary, kalo ada kata-kata yang saya gak tau suka saya tanya -_-

Misalnya, “I have to shave haha”
“baby, may I ask, what is shave :D, sorry for my lack of vocab hehe”
“haha ok no problem. You know my mustache?”
“oh yah!!! I got it!” baru dikasih clue gitu aja saya baru ngerti artinya -_- duh
“I have to cut the hair haha so there’s none :)”
Pelajaran yang bisa diambil, gak usah malu bertanya, dari pada misscom huehehe.
Dan…. Taraaaa ini hasilnya, setelah dia cukur kumis..


Saya gak ngerti kenapa kita bisa sangat sangat sampai sejauh ini. Ahahaha those eyes :p :p dia lebih suka mata saya karena katanya “I love your big eyes, its beautiful” cie jadi mata saya besar :’)

Saya juga gak ngerti kenapa dia bisa suka sama saya xD huahahaha sepertinya karena dari awal gak ada kebohongan diantara kita, azeekkkkk. Ohiya itu dia lagi kedinginan wkwk, lucu banget kan ya :3  kita sama-sama lucu :3 kita sering ketawa bareng huahaha. Lagi-lagi dia ngeledekin saya masaaaa :’)

Saya bilang saya abis dari toilet, terus diledekin -_________-

“haha so that’s what the funny smell was :p you were in toilet haha”
Dan… langsung kita ketawa lagi huahahahaha
“ummmmmmmmmm :/ ok im not in the toilet anymore, im in the kitchen (idk why I should be here -_-)”
“hehe… hungry?”
“no, im looking for frying pan to cook you”
“hahaha ahhh ure turning out to be like the girl from movie!!!!!”
“audition again? Lol yes I am! Well, be careful of yourself baby~~~~~~”
“hey I don’t want to end up with my feet cut up :p” kata dia nih haha lucu kan
“haha heyyy sleep time :p its my turn to warn you sleep :)”
“baby come lay with me to sleep. I wanna have you on my arms. Haha come so we sleep :)” tuhkan serius deh so sweet banget ini kaya di film film romantis yang bikin nangis yang pernah saya tonton :’)
“time I guess, youd better gotta sleep right now :)”
”thank you for company today, I enjoy it”
“hehe anytime!! Good nightttt”
“good night :)”

Yah begitulah kita mengakhiri nya, percakapan diatas tanpa ada rekayasa :) kalo di Indonesia sekarang udah jam setengah lima sore. Berarti disana setengah dua pagi. Haha. Bayangin sob dia jadi tidur jam setengah dua! :’) tapi worth it kan yah. Ahh saya senang, dunia harus tau :*

Thursday, February 21, 2013

9 hours differences

here we are :)
sebenarnya namanya ada dua, Alex atau Diego, temen-temen nya lebih sering manggil dia Diego. waktu itu gw manggil nya Alex haha (maaf ini kurang lucu -_-)
iya kita lagi ada di BEDA NEGARA, jauh banget kan :"""") dia di US tapi dia asli Peru. gw gak tau banyak tentang Peru, yang gw tau tentang Peru ya ibu kota nya Lima. dan tau gak? waktu itu dia terkejut pas dia tau gw ternyata tau Peru, padahal orang-orang yang dia temui sebelumnya pada gak tau Peru dimana. Well, pelajaran IPS waktu SD ternyata membantu gw banget haha.
seperti yang gw bilang, dia di US lagi lanjutin study nya haha, dannnnnnnnnn..... ini, gw mau share webcam an kita~~~~
aneh, gw percaya sama Diego makanya gw berani buka webcam, pas tau orang nya, oh my god, ternyata dia cukup ganteng, iya menurut gw sih gitu :') dan gw? gw kebetulan pas lagi kaya pembantu, sial -_-
ini nih kita haha gw nya jelek err tapi ternyata gak jelek-jelek banget~~~ 
yaudah ah malu :"> lol
itung-itung temenan sama dia memperlancar bahasa inggris gw XD
foto yang di atas, pas malem kemaren, gw sengaja tidur larut banget supaya bisa chat sama dia, dia baik banget! beda aja gituuuu. udah kaya layaknya temen sekolah
foto yang bawah itu barusannnnnn, haha dia pun juga gitu, sampe sekarang belom tidur, padahal udah lewat jam 12 malem disana.
intinya gw cantik gw seneng :D

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

You know what I wonder a lot?

For you a minute is like a hour and for me, it’s about a day :)
If i will see you again, I wanna kick your ass and i wanna punch you ‘till  i get tired. I want to let you feel how much it hurts knowing that we are already strangers
but ….
truth be told,
i wanna hug you, to let you know how much i miss you, and to let you feel how much i still love *tutututttutututut, suddenly error*
wait wait wait...!!!
truth really be told
if we will see again, i wish i weren't there

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Holiday period

masih ingat gak sama postingan gw ini? jadi, inilah orang dibalik video dance cover super wow itu
foto ini diambil pas kita masih kelas X. kenalan yuk mention aja twitter nya [at]reinsi hehe.

kali ini gw mau cerita tentang liburan semester gw! iya! liburan semester. liburan yang terlambat, disaat yang lain udah pada masuk, gw baru libur. masa-masa akhir di Semarang, gw pingin nya nanti-nanti dulu balik ke hometown gw. tapi... pas gw udah nikmatin surga duniawi nikmatnya keadaan rumah, malah waktu berjalan begitu cepat! syahdu banget -_-

I don't know if this is just me, but I feel like the holiday period is going so fast. The March 4th is getting closer which means it's already in the first of second term, and the saddest thing to realize that I haven't done anythingThe more-most-saddest thing to realize that actually all that I've planned to do this holiday is unchecked and I feel like a cow. Sorry if this felt like a trash writing which just spread negative aura for you whoever read it, but apparently this time I need to throw it all in case making me relief. fiuhhh 

Oh, by the way, these so-nothing-to-do-days successfully make the lazy me resetting my room and regularly clean it. Well, there's always a good behind the bad, right?

Ceritanya, selama gw dirumah, banyak pelajaran yang gw dapet dan gak ada dimana-mana. gw semakin cocok untuk dibilang "menantu idaman" ibarat main the sims, skill di level kebersihan gw udah penuh, skill nyuci baju, jemur, setrika, itu udah khatam. skill masak aja yang masih kurang dari separo, tapi tenangggggggg siapapun calon suami gw nanti, gw udah bisa buatin nutrijell untuk kalian haha. ada lagi nih, gw bisa masak sayur bayem dan macem-macem yang tinggal goreng doang gw bisa~ ayo sini daftar *oprec*

keren kan ya gw? ya makanya, apalagi beberapa hari lagi gw bakal punya ade baru. bayangin perasaan gw sebagai kakak, ah~~~ liburan ini bener-bener gw manfaatin untuk bantu nyokap gw. selama gw di Semarang, rumah gak ada yang ngurus, pas gw dateng, rumah seakan kembali bersinar. tapi gw gak henti-hentinya bilang nyokap gw itu nyokap paling luar biasa diseluruh dunia (begitu juga nyokap kalian bagi kalian) beberapa hari lagi ade gw lahir dan nyokap masih kerja dan masih sanggup bawa mobil nya sendiri. nyokap gw gak pernah absen kantor. kadang, kalo abis pulang dari kantor, gw suka manfaatin waktu untuk curhat sama nyokap. kalian tau? ternyata gw ada di dunia ini berkat perjuangan. ah jadi sedih. kalo gw gak diperjuangin, mungkin gw gak ada sekarang. dulu, waktu ngandung gw, keadaan kandungan nyokap gw katanya lemah, nyokap gw harus total istirahat selama 9 bulan kalo mau gw selamat dan baik-baik aja. akhirnya nyokap rela keluar dari kerjaannya demi gw. iya ini sedih banget, tapi gw kuat-kuatin dengernya.

ohiya, kemaren gw bertemu sama ade-ade kesayangan gw nomer satu di dunia ini. gw sayang sama mereke lebih-lebih deh. mereka yang suka buat gw kangen kalo lagi kuliah gini. pingin banget ngungkapin seberapa rasa sayang gw sama mereka denga tulisan ini, tapi gimana ya? hehe. pokoknya sayang bangetttttt

ini nih mereka, hehe lucu lucu dan gemesin bangetttt. apalagi kalo gw dateng, pasti mereka pada lari-lari meluk-meluk sama cium-cium gw :') kak citra sayang kalian banget!

yaudah itu aja, dadah :) HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY ALL!


gw punya sahabat pena dari amerika yang gw dapet dari chatroulette. pas pertama kali gw chat sama dia, sama sekali gak ada unsur sara nya seperti stranger lain nya. haha seperti lucu bagaimana cara kita berkenalan. gw greeting dengan kata holaaaaaa. dan dia mengira gw orang spanyol. cuma pas di liat lagi info yang ada (gw dari indonesia) dia tertawa. enak nya chatroulette tuh kita gak banyak bohongnya dibanding omegle. soalnya chatroulette udah otomatis nangkep keberadaan kita dimana.

dia banyak ketawanya, lucu deh orangnya. namanya Alex. umur 19. gw suka pake bahasa indonesia gitu ngomongnya terus dia google translate. pas gw bilang "kamu lucu sekali" dia bilang "wait a minute, what did u say? ill google it" terus udahan nya dia ketawa lagi terus bilang thanks.

dia juga bilang gw orang nya ceria banget, terus gw jawab "im over exicted to greet people" kita tukeran email, ym juga haha seru tauuuuuk. sekarang gw ngerti nih makna lagu jetlag. waktu itu pertama kali gw chat dia sekitar jam 2 siang, dan di sana jam 1 pagi. terus gw iseng nanya, kok belom tidur? terus dia jawab, tadinya mau tidur terus tiba2 ada chat dari kamu, gitulah kira-kira haha. terus kita cerita tentang kuliah. dia kuliah ambil jurusan hukum.

biasanya gw chat lagi di ym itu  jam 10 pagi dan disana jam setengah 8 malem. lucu sih kira2 kita. hal pertama yang ditanya, "what time is it over there?" setelah tau jam masing2 baru kita tanya "what youve been doing?" ya gitu gitu sih hehe

barusan dia ngomong gini,
"well the first day we talked, i did go sleep late"
haha iya kasian :') karena perbedaan waktu juga sih. terus gw jawab gini,
"that day, was bcs of me haha"
"haha, yes it was :p remember i was telling you i was going to sleep but then we started talking. so i stayed"

"yaaaaaaaaaaaa! haha its funny. i apreciated because you stayed"
"haha yup it was good desicion. good thing you didn't skip me :D"

and, this is us....

lol bercanda kokkkkk XD haha

Friday, February 15, 2013

You've never been that alone

Audrey Hepburn "I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."


We have our own perception. That's Audrey thought. And i agree with that. I wanna tell you something but you must promise to keep it. Haha lil bit crazy. For those who's far from their family, for each one who feels like alone, you have never been that alone. God has made the most beautiful artworks around us, the blue sky, the sun, the moon, flowers, grass, water, pets, air, seas, islands, mountains. Enjoy them, then you'll find that actually you've never been that alone :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Lesson

"Postingan kali ini tadinya cuma sebuah draft, tulisan yang gw buat sebelum berakhirnya tahun 2012. Tapi, kalian bisa ambil pelajaran dari cerita gw ini. So, let's just start.."

sepertinya saya capek
benar, saya capek
tapi kertasnya masih kosong
jadi saya capek karena apa?

sepertinya malam selalu menegaskan kesendirian
tapi saya sering malu mengaku kesepian
sepi karena sendiri

i forget when i officially broke up with Zayn Malik after been together for more than a year (or maybe less than a year? i really forget) He was the first and -until now still- the only guy whom I gave my fully heart, that much that I didn't use my logic loving him, even a bit. Yah, that's me. He was the guy who always taught me and correct me if i was wrong. He was the type of guy who really kind and care whenever i was sick and felt cold.

"Oh Cit? Really? You wrote that one? Haha you must be feeling guilty and insane re-read that."

I couldn't count how many fights we did which each resulting abusive words.

now I feel like reborn and so much happier. I've learned that to make a relationship is not to own, to love is not to hang your life to someone, to love is to mix both of your heart and your logic, to love is to take and give in same amount, to love is to be loved and to make you happy. Well I wish he feels the same way with me. We'd messed each other's life but for sure will be -at least, a little bit- better in interpreting a relationship :)
"Well, my life in the end of 2012 mostly not as happy as 2011, but then has opened my eyes about a lesson that to walk out of your comfort-zone is to make you learn and more understand about things you probably never thought before. And now on, I'm sitting in front of my laptop continue writing this stuff. Again, life has led me growing up as a person and that's so meaningful for me. Thanks."


untuk jadi anak teknik gak perlu serius-serius banget kok, gw sama temen-temen gw sering melakukan hal gila malah haha -_- 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A rubbish dream

semalem gw mimpi, mimpi dia! haha maaf posting kali ini agak nyampah
gw mimpi gw ketemu dia dan kita senyum satu sama lain, gw menghampiri dia, lalu gw pegang pipinya, terus gw senyum, terus gw pergi, dia juga pergi sama temen-temennya, naik mobil, dan... tiba-tiba BBUUUM, meledak :""""""""""""""( ini sad ending. gw lari, ngeliat dia berdarah, lalu ambulance dateng, terus gw pegang pipi dia lagi. kali ini berbeda! soalnya ada darahnya. terus gw nangis sedih gitu, dan WUSSS tamat.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Life of Pi: when a young man hurtled into an epic journey

"I suppose, in the end of life, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go, but always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say good bye."

Life of Pi, a movie based on a novel by Yann Martel taught me a lot of life live. You know, sometimes life directions you so hard (i try to tell you in a better words). One day you can keep your wheel and another day you lose it. "So, where should i go?"

Trust, believe, God with you. "Even when God seemed to have abondoned me, he was watching. Even when he seemed indifferent to my suffering he was watching. And when I was beyond all hope of saving, he gave me rest. Then, he gave me a sign to continue my journey."

We sometimes looking for where we are standing now? And after that, we will ask, "Where I can stand... tomorrow?" Never looking backwards, because it wont come back. Yah, right! Then, to get that answer, we often go out from our comfort zone.

The journey was began when Pi and his family (also their animals because Pi's father has a zoo in town) moved from India to Canada with a big ship and go sailing like a Colombus (even Colombus went sail to find India, opposite with Pi's family lol, that's funny i think).

Thunderstorm comes at night, Pi go out to see the storm, i think it's weird, while the other normal people prefers to stay in bed when they hear a storm. Pi was happy until a big waves sink everything. He cried because he knew he lost his family. He cried because he couldn't do anything to make his family stay alive. He was wondering if he never went out to see that storm, he is already in heaven with Mom, Dad, and Ravi. He cried until a man push him into a lifeboat, and a zebra suddenly jump over him and already in the same boat with Pi. and... and... the rope is broken. Big wave made that boat far away from the ship. Pi cried it's so unbelievable for him, he saw that ship sink with his parents.

and.. i'm too tired, i'll continue this later. see you

Senior High School

lagi jaman nya waka waka, dan gw sama Reri buat video ini di kelas! ah kangen haha, nari-nari gak jelas. tapi ini nih bisa dibilang SMA broooooo. kalo gak salah, yang megang camera nya si Omy deh haha. enjoy and... thanks for watching ;)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

victim of expectation and hope

Maybe I’m getting bored with all of these routines, college live and my flat day, I can’t explore more what I really want. If I can choose, I wanna be fashion consultant or something like meeting with business man, fashion icon, or other cool people. Maybe I will be graphic designer or work in high class fashion branded. I wanna be in a huge famous company riding on my own project. If I expect too much, I will hurt too much, am I right?

I hate being stuck with nothing. I should be like this, I should be in there, I should be walking beside them, that should be me holding your hand, that should be me (eh malah nyanyi -_-)

No more jokes Cits -_- ok. My popularity, my happiness, and sense of worth depend to no small extend upon my skill in dealing with people. So people, here is me, a girl who is walking without a goal. BUT, I’m driving desire to learn and vigorous determination to increase my ability to deal with myself for a great aim of life.

Who knows I’m the next president in fashion mode in Milan? Who knows.

Here’s my dream. What’s yours? Tell me your dreams (make it like poster, format in .jpg), and send it with email. The eye-catchy design will get a special gift from me.

You know, sometimes much expectation and hope aren’t bad at all. You decide who you are, not society.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013

Secrets of Me

At first, I was kind of confused what secret I should share, you know, secret is a secret (kinda sensitive matters) but, i will try to tell my secret. for the special person alive, yes you, reading on my blog, hehe. and let's just start...

i got inspired with Bara's tweet on his timeline, he talked about "why does he write?" and then, he explained many things, most of them was dedicated for myself too. i was smiling and talked to myself (This happens since I was a kid and it still goes on until now. People do this thing with themselves every time, you talk to yourself in your brain. While with me, instead of talking with my self in my brain and do it in silence, I spill the words out. Sometimes, I even pretend talking with other person. This habit will comes out whenever I'm alone, like literally alone --no one else with me at that moment.) that question pointed for me now. "why do you write?"

"i write to read my past and feel those wonderful moments again and again. i write because sometimes i can't say directly what i want to say. i write because i can find another world besides this world i'm living in. a more amazing world. i write because it's easier for me to put this thing in my busy mind into words than saying it out loud through my mouth. i write to remember you, to feel us. i write to record sweet moments, so i can taste them once more. i write because i want to meet you every time i want. even though you're not here and actually far away. i write... because i have something to tell." -Bara

i have a special reason why do i write, i write because i want to remember every single part of my life. if i get old and sick, i can re-read my brighten life. how my younger life so beautiful. if i die, people can read my silly stories, also don't forget to pray and remember me, always.

let's change the topic of my secret. to fill my holiday, i'm trying to bring back my reading habits. right now, I'm reading How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie. I beg it has a tremendous positive impact on your life. i can't describe in detail because i'm not finish yet. maybe later. the interesting question why i choose that book because that book is in english version so it's sound challenging for me. so, here's that cover (i'm too busy to take a photo of mine, so i just get that from google). hey, what time is it now? i must go sleep to face tomorrow. bye pal.