Monday, February 25, 2013

He distracts me alot

dia tuh keren banget ya :') dia baru bangun loh dan kini saatnya waktu tidur saya. tapi seperti biasa, kita share banyak hal. ohiya, dia tuh bener-bener serius kalo masalah pelajaran dan kelas nya. ya ampun pasti dia pinter banget :/

ohiyaaaaaa.. gara-gara foto saya diatas, kita agak marahan (cieeeee) tapi lucu deh :') so sweett bangettttttttt!!!

bener kan ya saya gak jelek-jelek banget, cocok lah yah, mirip juga kan~~~~ huahaha

"you look good. i like it :) especially the one where you do something with ur lips"
"i dont think i look good"
"well i do"
"dont zoom in -__- ok haha"
"haha ok i wont zoom in. tell me something, before you met me, what time did you go to sleep?"
"idk clearly, if i feel sleepy. i sleep. but with you, i never feel sleepy."
"thats bad :/ you looked tired. even if its to stay for me i think you should get more sleep"
"i cant sleep, moreover"
"baby i dont wanna affect ur life in bad way."
"what should i do now? :/"
"i want to make you as happy as possible but i dont want to mess with ur health and stuff"
"go sleep? i dont want till you really say you dont want to talk to me"
"thats hard words to say to u :( are you sleepy?"
"not really, maybe not yet, dont be angry with me :( i just want to talk to you :/ ok 5 mins?"
"im not angry with you, ok, its not like i dont want to haha. all i ask is just if you tired just sleep :) trying to take care of you :)"
"i know you are doing that :)"
":) is it me or the days have been going slow lately? feels like we been together for long time but at the same time i feel its not enough"

:) sampe disitu dulu yaaaa, citra nya masih chat sama dia haha

1 comment:

  1. cit.................... so sweet banget :( envy se-envy envy nya orang yang paling envy. baik banget ya orangnyaaaa
