Saturday, February 9, 2013

Life of Pi: when a young man hurtled into an epic journey

"I suppose, in the end of life, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go, but always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say good bye."

Life of Pi, a movie based on a novel by Yann Martel taught me a lot of life live. You know, sometimes life directions you so hard (i try to tell you in a better words). One day you can keep your wheel and another day you lose it. "So, where should i go?"

Trust, believe, God with you. "Even when God seemed to have abondoned me, he was watching. Even when he seemed indifferent to my suffering he was watching. And when I was beyond all hope of saving, he gave me rest. Then, he gave me a sign to continue my journey."

We sometimes looking for where we are standing now? And after that, we will ask, "Where I can stand... tomorrow?" Never looking backwards, because it wont come back. Yah, right! Then, to get that answer, we often go out from our comfort zone.

The journey was began when Pi and his family (also their animals because Pi's father has a zoo in town) moved from India to Canada with a big ship and go sailing like a Colombus (even Colombus went sail to find India, opposite with Pi's family lol, that's funny i think).

Thunderstorm comes at night, Pi go out to see the storm, i think it's weird, while the other normal people prefers to stay in bed when they hear a storm. Pi was happy until a big waves sink everything. He cried because he knew he lost his family. He cried because he couldn't do anything to make his family stay alive. He was wondering if he never went out to see that storm, he is already in heaven with Mom, Dad, and Ravi. He cried until a man push him into a lifeboat, and a zebra suddenly jump over him and already in the same boat with Pi. and... and... the rope is broken. Big wave made that boat far away from the ship. Pi cried it's so unbelievable for him, he saw that ship sink with his parents.

and.. i'm too tired, i'll continue this later. see you

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