Friday, February 1, 2013

Secrets of Me

At first, I was kind of confused what secret I should share, you know, secret is a secret (kinda sensitive matters) but, i will try to tell my secret. for the special person alive, yes you, reading on my blog, hehe. and let's just start...

i got inspired with Bara's tweet on his timeline, he talked about "why does he write?" and then, he explained many things, most of them was dedicated for myself too. i was smiling and talked to myself (This happens since I was a kid and it still goes on until now. People do this thing with themselves every time, you talk to yourself in your brain. While with me, instead of talking with my self in my brain and do it in silence, I spill the words out. Sometimes, I even pretend talking with other person. This habit will comes out whenever I'm alone, like literally alone --no one else with me at that moment.) that question pointed for me now. "why do you write?"

"i write to read my past and feel those wonderful moments again and again. i write because sometimes i can't say directly what i want to say. i write because i can find another world besides this world i'm living in. a more amazing world. i write because it's easier for me to put this thing in my busy mind into words than saying it out loud through my mouth. i write to remember you, to feel us. i write to record sweet moments, so i can taste them once more. i write because i want to meet you every time i want. even though you're not here and actually far away. i write... because i have something to tell." -Bara

i have a special reason why do i write, i write because i want to remember every single part of my life. if i get old and sick, i can re-read my brighten life. how my younger life so beautiful. if i die, people can read my silly stories, also don't forget to pray and remember me, always.

let's change the topic of my secret. to fill my holiday, i'm trying to bring back my reading habits. right now, I'm reading How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie. I beg it has a tremendous positive impact on your life. i can't describe in detail because i'm not finish yet. maybe later. the interesting question why i choose that book because that book is in english version so it's sound challenging for me. so, here's that cover (i'm too busy to take a photo of mine, so i just get that from google). hey, what time is it now? i must go sleep to face tomorrow. bye pal.

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